• diploma, cap and books


    The Occupational Course of Study (OCS) is one of two pathways to earn a high school diploma. The other being the Future Ready Core Course of Study.

    The OCS curriculum prepares students to be competent, dependable employees, as well as, independent, responsible adults. The curriculum focuses on the development of academic skills and hands on vocational training with the ultimate outcome of transitioning the student from high school into competitive employment.

  • Students on stage doing a presentation


    The OCS Employability Seminar is a competition designed to reinforce the job readiness and work skills training required of students who are following the Occupational Course of Study. 

    The purpose of this event was to give students an opportunity to hear firsthand from area employers and to compete with their peers as they learn what it takes to be a successful employee.  Statewide plans for this type of event will eventually include regional and statewide competitions. 



    The Employability Seminar consists of three main components or segments. 


    • The Business Panel - Students listen to a panel composed of representatives from area businesses talk about the employment expectations at their companies. The panel answers student questions.


    • The Employability Duel - The “Employability Duel” is a take-off of the TV show Family Feud. Teams of four students from two different high schools compete first to “capture the question” and then correctly supply the remaining answers to questions dealing with work skills and work ethics. There are three rounds of competition with teams earning points based on the number of correct responses their team give and the school’s audience behavior at the event.  A trophy is awarded to the winning team. 


    • The Student Resume/Interview – One student from each school submits a resume and participates in a mock interview by two members of the business community.  Each is judged via a prearranged rubric.