- Guilford County Schools
- Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)
School Nutrition Services
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Community Eligibility Provision (CEP)Schools
Schools that qualify for Community Eligibility Provision, or CEP, provide all students with breakfast and lunch at no charge.
For 2024-25, there are 110 schools that qualify. Here is a list of the schools where students will not be charged for meals.
All schools that were previously in CEP status will continue. Below are all the CEP schools for 2024-25:
- Alamance Elementary
- Alderman Elementary
- Allen Jay Elementary
- Allen Jay Prep Academy
- Allen Middle
- Andrews High
- Bessemer Elementary
- Bluford Elementary
- Brightwood Elementary
- Brooks Global Elementary
- Ceasar Cone Elementary
- Claxton Elementary
- Colfax Elementary
- Dudley High
- Early College at Guilford
- Eastern Guilford High
- Eastern Guilford Middle
- Erwin Motessori
- Fairview Elementary
- Falkener Elementary
- Ferndale Middle
- Florence Elementary
- Foust Elementary
- Frazier Elementary
- Gateway Education Center
- GC Middle College HS
- General Greene Elementary
- Gibsonville Elementary
- Gillespie Park Elementary
- Greene Education Center
- Grimsley High
- GTCC High Point MC
- GTCC Middle College HS
- Guilford Elementary
- Hairston Middle
- Haynes Inman Education Center
- Herbin Metz Education Center
- High Point Central High
- Hunter Elementary
- Irving Park Elementary
- Jackson Middle
- Jamestown Elementary
- Jamestown Middle
- Jefferson Elementary
- Jesse Wharton Elementary
- Johnson Street Global Studies
- Jones Elementary
- Joyner Elementary
- Kearns Academy @ Central
- Kernodle Middle
- Kirkman Park Elementary
- Kiser Middle
- Lincoln Academy
- Lindley Elementary
- Madison Elementary
- McLeansville Elementary
- McNair Elementary
- Mendenhall Middle
- Millis Road Elementary
- Monticello-Brown Summit Elementary
- Montlieu Academy
- Morehead Elementary
- Nathanael. Greene Elementary
- NC A&T Middle College High
- NC A&T STEM Early College
- Newcomers School
- Northeast Guilford High
- Northeast Guilford Middle
- Northwood Elementary
- Oak Hill Elementary
- Oak View Elementary
- Page High
- Parkview Village Elementary
- Clara J Peck Elementary
- Penn- Griffin School
- Pilot Elementary
- Pleasant Garden Elementary
- Lucy Ragsdale High
- Rankin Elementary
- Reedy Fork Elementary
- Scale Academy HP
- Scale School
- Sedalia Elementary
- Sedgefield Elementary
- Shadybrook Elementary
- Simkins Elementary
- Smith Academy
- Smith High
- Southeast Guilford High
- Southeast Guilford Middle
- Southern Elementary
- Southern Guilford High
- Southern Guilford Middle
- Southwest Elementary
- Southwest Gulford High
- Southwest Guilford Middle
- Sternberger Elementary
- Sumner Elementary
- Sylvia Mendez Newcomers School
- Triangle Lake Montessori
- UNCG Early/Middle College
- Union Hill Elementary
- Vandalia Elementary
- Washington Elementary
- Weaver Academy
- Welborn Academy
- Western Guilford High
- Western Guilford Middle