

     Due to unforeseen required maintenance in the buildings, locations for AG Explore Camp have been updated to the following:


    June 24 – 27 @ Gillespie Park Elementary School 

    July 8 – 11 @ Gillespie Park Elementary School

    July 15 – 18 @Triangle Lake Montessori Elementary School 


    2024 AG Explore Camp

    This opportunity is available for rising fourth - sixth grade students who have been identified for AG or Talent Development services. Students will explore high interest enrichment topics across various core content areas to develop inquiry and investigative skills. Camp sessions will be taught by AIG certified teachers and teachers who are completing their AIG licensure at Duke University. This summer, AG Explore Camp will be held on three separate weeks at two different elementary schools. Due to high demand, priority will be given to students who have not experienced AG Explore Camp in previous years. In addition, selected students may only participate in one of the camps listed below.

    • Dates and Locations (Selected students attend just one of the camps):

            June 24 - 27 @ Gillespie Park Elementary or

            July 8-11 @ Gillespie Park Elementary or

            July 15- 18 @ Triangle Lake Montessori  Elementary

    • Time: Monday – Thursday, 7:45am – 2:30pm
    • Bus Transportation for AG Explore Camp 2024 is NOT provided!!
    • Cost: FREE

    Participating students must commit to the full 4-day camp experience. The AG Explore Camp is a popular and exciting camp. However, it is not like typical summer programs.  Please understand that this is an academic camp environment where students will be involved in research, hands-on activities, and creative lessons that require self-discipline and responsible behavior. The teachers expect high-level engagement, cooperation, and self-control. Before beginning the registration process, we ask families to consider their child's ability to be an engaged, self-disciplined, and responsible learner in a summer enrichment setting.  Students who do not display these behaviors during camp will not be allowed to return for the remainder of the camp week. 

Teacher in straw hat teaching students sitting on the floor in a circle
  • Camp Selection Details 

    Step 1:

    Space is limited, so unfortunately, not every student who registers their child for the selection pool will be selected to attend. Again, due to high demand, priority will be given to students who have not experienced AG Explore Camp in previous years. If you are interested in applying for this opportunity, register your eligible child to enter them in the selection pool with this link before 5pm on Wednesday, May 15th.

    Unfortunately, bus transportation is not available for any of our AG Explore Camps this year.

    In the registration form, a family may register their child for more than one camp if the dates work for the family. While a child can only be selected for one camp, it helps our department to know a family's availability.  

    When registering, families should use an email that they check on a regular basis. Previously, we have experienced challenges with families receiving communication to ymail and Hotmail email addresses so please take this into consideration before submitting your email address. Be sure to also check SPAM and junk mail. The AG Department's primary mode of communication will be email. 

    Step 2:

    After the registration link closes at 5pm on Wednesday, May 15th, campers will be selected through a process which ensures that every elementary school is represented. Again, space is limited, so unfortunately, not every student who registers will be selected to attend.

      Step 3:

    During the week of May 20th, the AG department will send an email with the selection results to all families who registered their child.  The email will be sent to the same email address that was entered into the 2024: AG Explore Registration form. During the week of May 20th be sure to check your SPAM and junk folders DAILY. 

    Selected campers will receive invitations via email to attend the camp and will be asked to complete the required camp forms. Families MUST accept the invitation AND confirm participation by completing the survey in the invitation email by 5pm on Tuesday, May 28th. Failure to complete the survey by the Tuesday, May 28th deadline will result in the loss of the selected camper's spot, which will then be relinquished and assigned to another applicant. 

      Step 4:

    Families will receive additional details via email, such as camp rules, expectations, and drop-off. Bus Transportation for AG Explore Camp 2024 is NOT provided!!

      Step 5:

    Selected campers will attend AG Explore Camp at one of the camp sites and will experience 4 days of fun memories, stories and new friendships!!

Teacher helping a student build a model