• Apex Tutorials Banner

  • Apex Tutorials are a supplemental online curriculum for grades 6-12, where students can close learning gaps, increase mastery and accelerate learning. Students choose how they master content and practice skills according to how they learn best.  A variety of short, focused activities provide opportunities for students to interact with concepts that deepen understanding and review foundational concepts.


    • Learn It - interactive exercises and real-life examples
    • Try It - check understanding and build confidence
    • Review It - watch a short instructional video
    • Test It - evaluate mastery of module objectives

How to Request Tutorials

  • We have a limited number of Tutorial licenses purchased by the district, to be used to support structured remediation, intervention, enhancement, and tutorial programs at the middle and high school levels. Because of this, we ask that a specific number of licenses and time frame be selected in the form.

    Click Here to view Tutorial course offerings.

    Principals, please fill out this form to request Apex Tutorial licenses.