• Welcome to Dropout Prevention/School Social Work Services

    Guilford County Schools employs school social workers to provide a link between homes, schools and communities. School social workers serve elementary, middle and high schools throughout the district to promote and support educational goals. They are uniquely qualified to provide a variety of direct and indirect services to assist students and families.  As part of the educational team, school social workers promote and support students' academic and social success. School social workers are professionally trained and licensed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.  

    GCS is fortunate to have a dropout prevention designee in all of the district's elementary, middle and high schools.  Having site-based designees allows us to focus on building relationships with students while helping them overcome barriers to academic success.  Our primary focus is on prevention, intervention and recovery.  We are committed to accomplishing the district's goal of increasing the number of students that graduate in four years.

    Services to the schools may include:

    • Assessing student needs
    • Assisting in the identification of students with special needs
    • Coordinating services for families and students
    • Helping students develop appropriate social skills and improved self-concept
    • Helping to identify a student’s strengths
    • Identifying and resolving barriers to education  
    • Intervening in situations involving family dysfunction
    • Meeting with students individually and in groups
    • Networking with community agencies and identifying resources
    • Participating on intervention teams
    • Providing consultation and program coordination
    • Providing outreach to parents
    • Providing problem solving and conflict resolution
    • Providing staff development
    • Serving as an advocate for the child’s educational needs

      For additional information, contact your school.   


    Each year, during school social work month, our department finds a way to give back or recognize others across Guilford County.  This year, we decided to adopt the Guilford County Department of Social Services (DSS) social workers!  Each GCS school social worker adopted two DSS social workers.  We made goodie bags and created personalized cards with words of inspiration and encouragement.  Our School Social Work Leadership Team dropped off the cards and goodies this morning at DSS.  Tomorrow marks the last day of National Social Work Month and our department is ecstatic to have been able to extend this act of generosity!  

    GCS School Social Workers recognize social workers at Guilford County DSS



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    School Social Worker of the Year (SSWOTY)

    It's time to nominate our third GCS School Social Worker of the Year.  This nomination is intended to recognize outstanding school social workers who have made a positive impact in their school(s).  The nominee must be a currently employed, full-time school social worker and have completed three years of school social work service at the time of nomination.

     •        Who can nominate?  Anyone (parent, student, staff, or community member)

                         Use this link:  SSWOTY Nomination Form 2024 

     •        Nomination Period?  February 2 – February 26, 2024, at 12:00pm 

     •        What happens next?  All eligible nominees will receive applications on March 1.

    Applications are due to the Office of School Social Work Services by 4:00pm April 1, 2024.

    For more information, please contact Dr. Shontria Carrington, Director of School Social Work Services



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