• Guilford County Research Review

    The Guilford County Schools Research Review Committee is responsible for ensuring that research conducted within GCS follows ethical, legal, and quality guidelines. Applications are reviewed by the Research Review Committee throughout the year. It is recommended to submit your thoroughly completed application as soon as possible, however, as the Research Review Committee does not guarantee that your project will be reviewed prior to your intended start date.

    If you are requesting to post a virtual flyer for a research opportunity on Peachjar, you must follow the full external research review process. Note that GCS does not typically allow for external research opportunities to be posted on Peachjar. 

    • If you are not an employee of GCS, please follow the external research review process here
    • If you are an employee of GCS, please review the following guidance to proceed with your research:

    Does my project need approval from the Research Review Committee?

    Projects that are part of a Guilford County Schools employee’s typical job responsibilities and better classified as “feedback,” such as course evaluations of Professional Development, observations of teachers made by principals, reviewing school-wide data at Leadership Team meetings, or completing needs assessments of one’s own staff, do not need Research Review Committee approval. Projects run by school employees that involves only participants within their unit (i.e., school or department/division) and are intended to be used only within the unit, do not need approval from the Research Review Committee, but should be completed under typical supervision (e.g., principals, department heads, etc.). Exceptions to this include: 1) Research being used as part of obtaining a degree at a higher education institution (e.g., Master’s project, Dissertation), which should follow the external research process, and 2) Research with the aim of publication (e.g., in academic journals, conference presentations, websites, news outlets, etc.), which should follow the internal research process. Additional questions about which process to follow should be e-mailed to Kurt Reutter (reuttek@gcsnc.com)

    GCS does not allow external researchers (e.g., university students) who are not also GCS employees to complete class assignments or other unpublished works such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, etc., with GCS students, staff, or families. GCS employees seeking to complete class assignments should seek approval from their typical supervisor to complete these tasks.  

    If you are a GCS employee and are seeking institutional data (e.g., student-level variables such as EOG scores by grade and school, school-level variables such as average NWEA MAP scores, etc.) and need this data in tables, charts, or graphs for internal use but are not collecting any additional data, you do not need to submit a research review application and you may request this data using the data request form found here (requires GCS login).

    Click HERE for instructions and details on seeking External Research approval.

    Click HERE for instructions and details on seeking Internal Research approval.


    If you are interested in entering into a research partnership with GCS, please review the process for applying here. Note that applicants for partnerships should have already established interest in collaboration with GCS central office staff prior to submitting an application.

    Any questions about this process should be submitted to Kurt Reutter: (reuttek@gcsnc.com)


  • Current Research Review Committee Members:

    Kurt Reutter, Chair

    Clark Wright

    Jimmy Leak

    Trisha Mitchell

    Alex Tabori


    Are you a GCS employee who is interested in helping review research for Guilford County Schools? Send an e-mail to researchreview@gcsnc.com to indicate your interest!