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Welcome to Counseling Services

  • School counselors work with students, administrators, teachers, parents, families and the community and are accountable for assuring that every student has the opportunity to learn, achieve and graduate college and career ready (NC Department of Public Instruction). School counselors must hold a Master's degree in counseling and GCS school counselors must be licensed by the State of North Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

    School counselors implement comprehensive school counseling programs that address the academic (cognitive), personal/social (socio-emotional) and career development of students. School counselors offer developmental, preventive and remedial  programs and curriculum. 

    With the adoption of the American School Counselor Association (ASCA) Model, GCS school counselors are held accountable for offering the following services: 

    1. Direct & Indirect Services (individual, small group & classroom guidance) 

    2. School Counseling Core Curriculum

    3. Individual Student Planning

    4. Responsive Services