- Guilford County Schools
- Career and Technical Education
Career and Technical Education (CTE)
Page Navigation
- Career and Technical Education
- Meet the CTE Team
- CTE By The Numbers
- CTE Connections Chronicle
- CTE Clusters & Pathways Document
- CTE High School Pathways by School
- CTE Middle School Pathways by School
- Signature Career Academy Videos
- Signature Career Academy Pathways
- Career and College Promise
- Career and Technical Student Organizations (CTSOs)
- Industry Recognized Credentials for Students
- Work-Based Learning Information
- Youth Apprenticeship Program - GAP (Guilford Apprenticeship Partners)
- Youth Apprenticeship Program - NCFAME (NC Federation for Advanced Manufacturing Education)
- Youth Apprenticeship Program - S.O.A.R (Student Opportunities for Apprenticeship Readiness)
- Testing Calendar
- CTE Non-Discrimination Clauses

CTE Frequently Asked Questions:
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Contact Us
Dr. Holly Pore
Executive Director
(336) 370-8357
poreh@gcsnc.comVernon Mc Ham
Director, CTE Operations
(336) 370-2382
mchamv@gcsnc.comNicole Piggott
Director, CTE Secondary Pathways
(336) 370-8338, Ext. 5
piggotn@gcsnc.comTom Basham
Coordinator, Curriculum & Instructional Management
(336) 370-8338, Ext. 6
bashamt@gcsnc.comVeronica Nelson
Coordinator, Curriculum & Instructional Management
Phone: 336-370-8338, Ext. 2
nelsonv@gcsnc.comAmy Ward
Coordinator, Curriculum & Instructional Management
Phone: 336-370-8338, Ext. 4
warda5@gcsnc.comKanika Lawson
Coordinator, Work-Based Learning
Phone: 336-370-8338, Ext. 7