- Northwest Guilford Middle School
- About the Teacher
Cathy Hailey
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- About the Teacher
- Welcome Back 2024-2025 Vikings!
- Inspirational Puberty 2024-2025 School Year Quote
- Parent Notification
- Guilford County Schools Reproductive Health and Safety Education
- Reproductive Health and Safety Education Classes are Scheduled to Begin around December 3, 2024
- Reproductive Health and Safety Education Grade Level Outlines
- Healthful Living Education
- N.C. Essential Standards
- January 11,2025 National Human Trafficking Awareness Month
- February-Healthy Heart Awareness Month
- April 10th National Youth AIDS Awareness Day
- May is National Teen Pregnancy Prevention Month

Degrees and Certifications:
Mrs. Cathy Hailey
I have been the Reproductive Health and Safety Education Instructor for Northwest Middle School since the 1994-1995 school year. I am now teaching children of students I once taught!
I believe that "mindfulness" in the workplace, is the key to success. I come to class each day ready to teach. Students learn in my classroom because I am always ready for the day. Every class is different, but every student has a" thirst for knowledge!"
I follow the rules of A R A - A=Acknowledge my students, R=Respect them and their individuality and opinions and A= Appreciate their thoughts, ideas and passion for learning.
"A great teacher makes the classroom magic happen, regularly". She elicits her students "best efforts" and "engages their minds", so "that they leave class still alive with ideas and comments, and they talk about what went on in class with family when they get home".
One lesson that I learned during the pandemic is “gratitude changes attitude”.
I would like to say "Thank You" for allowing me to teach your student information required by the N.C... Essential Standards / Standard Course of Study. My goal, as stated in the 2009 North Carolina Healthy Youth Act (House Bill 88), is to provide parents, students, and schools effective Reproductive Health and Safety Education information. The lessons within the curricula provide factually accurate biological or pathological information that will provide opportunities that allow interaction between parents/guardians and the student. Information learned will benefit students now and for the rest of their lives as they strive to develop into productive adults in today's society.
I am the Reproductive Health and Safety Education/Family Life Teacher for three middle schools in Guilford County. The three schools I serve are: 1) Kiser Middle (base school), 2) Northern Guilford Middle and 3) Northwest Guilford Middle. I am one of seven Health Resource/Family Life Teachers in middle schools within Guilford County.
Time sure does fly when you enjoy what you do! I love the fact that I have the opportunity of teaching "every" student in the schools that I serve. I teach nearly 3,000 students annually.
Prior to being hired by Guilford County Schools, I was the Health Education Coordinator for the Asheboro City School System. I was part of the Central Office Staff. After a few years, I was placed in Asheboro High School to be more accessible to students. My primary job duty was to develop and implement a Family Life Education Curriculum for K-12 students. I was also responsible for providing training for teachers to teach Family Life Education.
I am a two-time recipient of North Carolina NC Shape and Guilford County Schools "Middle School Health Educator of the Year Award". Being selected as an NC SHAPE Teacher of the Year is one of the highest honors within the profession. Winning State Middle School Health Teacher of the Year allowed me to be eligible to compete for the SHAPE Southern District TOY and receive National TOY recognition.
I strive to establish a partnership with parents to support student learning. To reinforce that partnership, all homework assignments in grades 7th and 8th require parent's signatures. The parent signature requirement reminds students that parents are the primary sexuality educators of their children and my role is to assist in the education of that student.
Educate, Inspire, Learn and Change. "Education is the Key to Making a Difference".
"My Teacher's Promise”
I promise you as a parent, that every day your child will learn something.
Some days they will bring it home in their hands.
Some days they will bring it home in their heads, and
Some days they will bring it home in their hearts.
Thank you once again for allowing me the opportunity to fulfill my "Teacher Promise"