Phone: (336) 605-3333


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors of Science in Graphic Design Certified in Math 5-9, Art K-12 and FACS

Ms. Minner

We are excited about the addition of the Paxton-Patterson College and Career Ready Lab in our CTE department at Northwest Guilford Middle School. Students will be able to engage in Career Studies in CTE and FACS pathways. Seventh and Eighth Grade students will be able to work through two modules during the school year. They may choose from the following: 

Lab Basics

Sports Medicine

Computer Graphics & Game Development

Cosmetology & Barbering


Design & Marketing

Employability Skills

Environment & Ecolgy

Hospitality & Tourism Management

Intro to Computer Science

Intro to Culinary Arts

Intro to Health Science Careers

Personal Finance

Video Production

Veterinary Medicine