- Northwest Guilford High School
- science olympiad
32 students on the NWHS Science Olympiad team, competed in 18 STEM events against over 30 other teams this weekend at UNCG.
They did a wonderful job representing NWHS; please congratulate them for their hard work and dedication.
Team members: Rayaan Arshad, Smith Brown, Hannah Byon, Keerthana Chavali, Vijay Chavali, Grace Corkhill, Agnes Cruz, Kara Dell, Carlo Esquivel, Alex Gomez, Seth Grady, Ananya Gupta, Shreyash Jain, Judy Kim, Minjin Kim, Stepan Korobeynikov, David Lance, Tim Lee, Kristin Li, Sky Lu, Caitlyn Miller, Scott Muirhead, Isabella Noel, Sanjana Prabhakar, Ian Royall, Ethan Shearer, Maggie Shi, Chibuikem Ukaegbe, Faith Vaughan, Maddie Volinkski, Blake Wise and Anusha Yadav.
Congratulations to the following students who medaled at the competition: Rayaan Arshad, Smith Brown, Hannah Byon, Grace Corkhill, Alex Gomez, Seth Grady, Stepan Korobeynikov, David Lance, Sky Lu, Scott Muirhead, Isabella Noel, Sanjana Prabhakar, Ian Royall, Ethan Shearer, Maggie Shi, Chibuikem Ukaegbe, Maddie Volinkski, and Anusha Yadav
Special thanks to Janet Wells for helping with building events and coming to the competition to cheer the team on!
Specific Events:
1st place Dynamic Planet: Smith Brown and Ethan Shearer (will move on to State competition in April!)
3rd place Chem lab: Smith Brown and Rayaan Arshad
3rd place Green Generation: Hannah Byon and Chibuikem Ukaegbe
5th place Flight: Grace Corkhill and Maggie Shi
6th place Codebusters: Chibuikem Ukaegbe , Sanjana Prabhakar and Anusha Yadav
2nd place: Green Generation: Stepan Korobeynikov and Sky Lu
2nd place: Rocks & Minerals: David Lance and Maddie Volinski
2nd place: Trajectory: Alex Gomez and Scott Muirhead
3rd place: bottle rocket: Ian Royall and Seth Grady
4th place: Flight: Scott Muirhead and Alex Gomez
4th place: Dynamic Planet: David Lance and Bella Noel
4th place: Scrambler: David Lance and Sky Lu
Coaches: Cathy Haywood and Caroline Stilwell
2023 Information and Forms:
2023 Science Olympiad “paperwork” links – resources on Remind and Ms Haywood’s SO page
Competition is on Feb 25th at UNCG – our time slots have shifted but events are the same! Please pick up your new schedule (including specific building event times) at the SO meeting in Dr. S room (431)
To do list:
- Pick up new time sheet at SO meeting
- Complete the online consent form: here is a link to the NWHS consent forms – these are required to be completed ASAP
- At the next SO meeting, physically sign the behavior form (this is on paper, not electronic)
32 students on the NWHS Science Olympiad team, recently competed in 23 STEM events against over 30 other teams over two weekends.
Congratulations to the following students who medaled at the competition:
Smith Brown, Hannah Byon, Grace Corkhill, Garret Eichlin, Alexander Guitierrez, Chloe Haywood, Ryan Huang, Wei Jiang, Judy Kim, Suchetana Kona, Will Lovejoy, Milana Nostrand, Sanjana Prabhakar, Ethan Shearer, Chibuikem Ukaegbe and Aliha Younus.
Specific Events:
1st place Fast Facts: Smith Brown and Milana Nostrand
3rd place Cell Biology: Garret Eichlin and Will Lovejoy
3rd place Environmental Chemistry: Chloe Haywood and Garret Eichlin
3rd place Green Generation: Hannah Byon and Aliha Younus
4th place Mystery Architecture: Smith Brown and Suchetana Kona
5th place Chem lab: Ryan Huang and Wei Jiang
5th place Remote Sensing: Ryan Huang and Aliha Younus
6th place Write it, Do it: Judy Kim and Chibuikem Ukaegbe
6th place Wright stuff: Chloe Haywood and Ryan Huang
6th place Trajectory: Garret Eichlin and Smith Brown
1st place Wright Stuff: Grace Corkhill and Alex Guitierrez
3rd place Rocks and Minerals: Sanjana Prabhakar and Ethan Shearer
2021-22 updates: SO competition will be in person this year (February 26, 2022 at UNCG)
Club meetings will occur weekly during flex lunch - Wed in room 437 (& 431)
Check out our table at club rush (second week of school!)
Join the SO remind for 2021-22
Science Olympiad updates:
NWHS Varsity and JV did a great job – winning medals in 19 events; these students participated in the virtual competition over 2 different Saturdays. Caroline Howard and Matthew Oh placed first in chem lab at the regional competition and 10th in the state finals. Please congratulate all of these students on their achievements!
Medal winners at the 2021 regional Science Olympiad:
Kimberly Brown, Hannah Byon, Rachel Clanton, Annabelle Craig, Grayson Davis, Enes Eroglu, Grace Fei, Mason Fuller, Isabella Haulter, Jason Huang, Chloe Haywood, Caroline Howard, Wei Jiang, David Kim, Judy Kim, Matthew Oh, Monica Rashkov, Bryan Park, Hishi Ulak, Ashley Vega, Maysi Yong and Adan Younus.
Specific placements:
1st Chem lab (V) and 10th in State competition!
Caroline Howard and Matthew Oh
2nd Protein Modeling (V) Kimberly Brown and David Kim
2nd Astronomy (JV) Annabelle Craig, Mason Fuller
2nd Geologic Mapping (JV) Grayson Davis and Mason Fuller
3rd Dynamic Planet (JV) Grayson Davis and Grace Fei
3rd Fast Facts (JV) Mason Fuller
3rd Circuit lab (JV) Wei Jiang
3rd Sounds of Music (JV) Rachel Clanton and Mason Fuller
4th Anatomy & Physiology (JV) Judy Kim and Ashley Vega
4th Codebusters (JV) Grayson Davis and Grace Fei
4th Fermi Questions (V) Kimberly Brown and Chloe Haywood
4th Forensics (JV) Rachel Clanton and Isabella Haulter
4th Protein Modeling (JV) Mason Fuller
5th Fossils (V) Kimberly Brown and Chloe Haywood
5th Picture This (JV) Hannah Byon and Isabella Haulter
5th Disease Detective (JV) Judy Kim and Monica Rashkov
6th Fast Facts (V) Jason Huang and Adan Younus
6th Ornithology (V) Bryan Park and Enes Eroglu
6th Water Quality (V) Maysi Yong and Hishi Ulak
informational powerpoint: intro to Science Olympiad
link to NC event platforms: event summary
link to 20-21 rule book: SO rule book
Coming soon the new events and rule book for this year!
Science Olympiad 2020 regional
1st place: Sounds of Music (JV) Caroline Howard & David Kim
1st place: Anatomy & Physiology (JV) Judy Kim & Jessica Lim
2nd place: Machines (V) Kimberly Brown & Jonathan Mayes
2nd place: Sounds of Music (V) Emma Jia & Blake Sullivan
2nd place: Circuit lab (V) Hua Jiang & Blake Sullivan
2nd place: Write it, Do it (JV) Nakyung Oh & Maysi Yong
2nd place Astronomy (JV) Oash Baniya & Jacob England
2nd place: Experimental Design (JV) Caroline Howard & Payton Reyes
3rd place: Geologic mapping (JV) Chloe Haywood & Bryan Park
3rd place: Gravity Vehicle (JV) Kayla Barrios & Harper Brady
3rd place: Wright Stuff (V) Ysantis McKenzie & Teresa Pan
4th place: Disease Detective (V) Alex Hall & Hishi Ulak
5th place: Chem lab (V) Kenzie Major & Matthew Oh
5th place: Ornithology Amy Kim & Teresa Pan
5th place: Experimental Design: Christy Ma & Matthew Oh
Overall placement: fifth