Welcome to Mr. Walker's Classroom Page

  • Welcome, 2023-2024 Students!

    I am very excited to be working with all of you this school year!  

    This teacher webpage does not host any content for the course.  If you are curious about the class, I will be publishing both AP Lang. and English 10 courses on CANVAS by 5pm on Friday, August 25.  There you will find all of the information you will need, including syllabi, the course calendar, weekly schedule, upcoming assignments, notes, and resources.


    Please visit the CANVAS Course for your class for further information.


    AP 11 STUDENTS!!

    Go to the College Board website: myap.collegeboard.org, log in using your College Board username and password, find "AP Language - Walker" and join your section using the code below:

    2nd Period: 3WYQML

    4th Period: YNJW24

    5th Period: NWZLVP

    6th Period:  Q9J4Y9


    Walker's Schedule:

    1st Period: English 10

    2nd Period: AP Language and Composition

    3rd Period: Planning

    4th Period: AP Language and Composition

    5th Period: AP Language and Composition

    6th Period: AP Language and Composition


    WIN Schedule:

    Mon.: English 10 Tutorial

    Tues.: Not Available

    Wed.: Guitar Club - Beginner

    Thurs.: Guitar Club - Intermediate/Advanced

    Fri.: AP Language Tutorial



    If you have any questions, feel free to email me at walkerj3@gcsnc.com


    Thank you!




Boulder, CO