- Northwest Guilford High School
- School Leadership Information
School Leadership Information
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School Leadership Team Members
Faculty Representatives
Jessica Estep Teacher: Math estepj@gcsnc.com Danielle Spencer Equity Team spenced4@gcsnc.com Jason Allred Athletic Director allredd3@gcsnc.com Kelly Hamel & Andrews Brooks Teacher: Cultural Arts hamelk@gcsnc.com Joseph Buckel Teacher: CTE buckelj@gcsnc.com Amanda Burnett-Collins Assistant Principal burneta3@gcsnc.com Angela Cox Parent Alexis Tilley
Assistant Principal tilleya@gcsnc.com Stacy Garner Counselor garners@gcsnc.com Eric Goodykontz Parent Emily Gurkin Curriculum Facilitator gurkine@gcsnc.com Haley Hackett Teacher:PE hacketh@gcsnc.com Parker Jackson Teacher: World Languages jacksop2@gcsnc.com Zara Lancaster Student Justine Lewis Teacher: Science lewisj3@gcsnc.com Traci Lowry Support Staff Lowryt@gcsnc.com Onesty McMillian Teacher: EC mcmillo@gcsnc.com Lora Medley Teacher: English medleyl@gcsnc.com Brian Muller Principal mullerb@gcsnc.com Colleen Pinyan Media Specialist pinyans@gcsnc.com Julia Skaggs Teacher: Social Studies skaggsj@gcsnc.com Art Wade Assistant Principal wadea@gcsnc.com Donnie Watkins Assistant Principal watkind2@gcsnc.com To access our school improvement plan, please go to
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