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Haywood's Chemistry page
Welcome to Cathy Haywood's Chemistry Webpage
email me at Haywooc@gcsnc.com
Ms H's schedule:
AP chemistry 1st, 4th pd, 5th & 6th pd
Honors Chemistry 2nd
Planning: 3rd pd
The information below is updated for the 2024-25 school year!
My name is Cathy Haywood – this is my 29th year teaching chemistry. I have been at NWHS for 18 years. I previously taught at Grimsley, Southeast Raleigh and Harnett Central HS. I graduated from NCSU (go Wolfpack) and I am Nationally Board Certified in Chemistry. I was born in Syracuse, NY so I am also an Orangemen fan. I am married to a local attorney and have two awesome daughters - one at UNC and one at App State. I also have a twin sister who is a vet at Lawndale Animal Hospital here in town. I co-coach the NWHS Science Olympiad team - check it out using the link to the left!
Students and parents are encouraged to use the Canvas page for all chemistry materials!
AP chemistry canvas link:https://gcs.instructure.com/courses/328010
honors chemistry canvas link:https://gcs.instructure.com/courses/327688
AP first day to-do list:
1) Join the Remind (for texting): remind join code @ apchemnwhs (please use remind for texting)
(text the number 81010 and use the above code to join my AP chem group)
3) Optional Complete the review packet and check your answers – get in touch with Ms. H if you need help with any of it!
Packet and answers can be found in the file link below!
4) Join the AP chemistry class on College Board:
Future unit packets will be emailed and/or posted on Canvas only (due to copyright issues from College Board)
Honors Chem first day to-do list:
1) Join the Remind (for texting): remind join code @ haychem24
(please use remind for texting)(text the number 81010 and use the above code to join my honors chem group)
2) Get safety contract signed and take the safety quiz on Canvas (before the first lab!)
3) Honors chemistry packets will be posted on canvas/emailed due to copyright issues. Select public documents (reference packets/ release review etc) will be posted in the file section here and on the canvas page.
All Chemistry students have the option to purchase their own safety goggles (that they can use for all science classes). Currently, the goggles we have are older (but safe!) and are used throughout the day by various students (they are cleaned in between uses in a germicidal UV goggle cabinet). This is not required, but I think many students would like to have their “own” pair of safety goggles.
On Amazon, there are chemical splash goggles for around $5 (that might include my Amazon prime discount shipping )
Home Depot also has a pair for around $5
Supply List (both Honors and AP)
3 ring binder, paper, pencils and pens
scientific calculator (graphing is not required!)