

    • If a student is absent on a test day, he/she MUST take the test on the first day that he/she returns to school, UNLESS absent MULTIPLE days before the test day (within the unit being tested on).
    • It is the STUDENT’s responsibility to turn in homework after absences, as well as find out what assignments were missed. A student cannot claim ignorance of an assignment’s existence as a reason for not submitting it at the end of a quarter.  Students should always ask about assignments upon returning from an absence!
    • There are many opportunities for extra credit (on tests), but the highest score possible is 100. Extra credit for one unit/chapter cannot be transferred to previous or future tests.
    • Extra credit opportunities are a subjective process, given at the teacher’s discretion. However, a student should not look for or ask for extra credit opportunities if he/she has not submitted all regular assignments (homework, classwork). 
    • Late homework submissions will be assessed a 20 point penalty (with the exception of the student being absent on the day that it was due). There are no additional penalties beyond the initial 20 points. Late work will only be accepted within the quarter in which it was assigned.
    • Class note-taking is REQUIRED. A student that will not take notes in this AP class will be asked to transfer from the group to another class or course, per discussion with administration. 
    • Using cellphones in any capacity (even texting) during a test will be viewed as cheating and result in a zero on the test (and parents notified). During regular class time hours, students are to place their phones in the calculator pouches near Mr. Coley's desk for safekeeping.  
    • Any penalty writing assignment for a class offense (e.g. tardies) is due the next school day, in full. Failure to submit penalty assignments can result in an administrative referral (ie ASD).   
    • Students are not to answer the classroom phone unless asked, and are not to be behind the teacher’s desk/in closets, unless told otherwise. Students are not to adjust the room’s thermostat. 
    • Tape, pencils, scissors, etc. can be borrowed from the teacher, but at the teacher’s discretion. Students are expected to ask before borrowing things. Grabbing things at will off of the teacher’s desk will not be looked upon kindly. 
    • Students may use the bathroom and water fountain at ANY time, but are asked to walk at the back of the classroom when doing so. No permission is required for either of these activities.
    • Completing other assignments (for other classes) while the class is on-task with a lesson can result in the confiscation of that work, which would be submitted to the appropriate teacher.
    • All study guides can be found on the teacher website. If a student loses his/her chapter study guide, he/she may print another one from the site.  All homework and classwork is to be hand-written, unless otherwise stated, and submitted on the assigned due date, barring a student absence.
    • Students are to submit ANY and ALL makeup work/late assignments in to the teacher PERSONALLY. Students are NOT to simply place an overdue assignment on the teacher’s desk when the teacher is not around (between classes, planning periods, or before/after school, for example).  This policy prevents any assignments from being “misplaced”, overlooked or fibbed about. 
    • There are no retests or test correction opportunities in this class, unless unusual circumstances apply. This is an AP (Advanced Placement) course, and the expectations are appropriate for the level.