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Mr. Coley's AP Psychology Page
MS TEAMS MEETINGS to be held on Thursday, 1/20 and Friday, 1/21:
-Everyone was sent a message about this via Canvas messaging and it was put on Canvas announcements.
-Check the MS TEAMS CALENDAR (NOT the Canvas calendar) for our meeting times (per the normal schedule). We will meet this way on Thursday 1/20 and Friday 1/21. At this point, I foresee us returning to a normal face-to-face schedule on Monday 1/24.
-You should be able to click on the MS Teams calendar link to get to the class meeting. Bring paper and pencil. You know how this works, and how I operate, at this point. I will do my best to make it as "normal" of a class period as I can for everyone.
-See you on Thursday and Friday in MS Teams.
Mr. C
1/18-1/19 UPDATE (inclement weather):
-Grades have been "finalized", but work will be accepted late and quarterly grades adjusted as needed.
-Remote assignment: please work on the Chapter 11 IDs (Intelligence). They will be due on Monday, January 24th. The study guide for chapter 11 can be found on this website. Remember that all IDs are to be hand-written, on a separate sheet of paper.
-All other work/assignments will be provided upon return to school. If there is an extended period beyond tomorrow, please begin reading chapter 11 and working on the RQs.
Mr. Coley