Chamber Orchestra (0 Period) Audition Information

  • Barring any typos. These are the final requirements. 

    Northwest Guilford High School Advanced Honors Orchestra (0 Period Orchestra)

    Audition Information

    Students who want to audition for membership in the NWHS Advanced Honors Orchestra (0 Period Orchestra) for 2024-2025 will submit two video recordings. One video will be of the scales required for the Jr. Western Region Orchestra (JWRO) auditions. The other will be the solo required for the 2024 JWRO auditions. Both recordings are due by 11:59 pm May 10 (note the date extension). Videos (or links to videos on YouTube) can be sent to Mr. Walter at

    Exemptions: If you won a spot in the 2023 GCS High School All-County Orchestra, the 2024 JWRO Honors Orchestra, or you performed as a member of the 2024 NWGHS National Orchestra Festival Orchestra, you do not have to submit audition videos. You do, however, need to let Mr. Walter know that you are interested in joining the NWHS Advanced Honors Orchestra (0 Period Orchestra).


    • Submission deadline: Friday, May 10th, 2024.
    • Results will be sent out on June 1st, 2024.

    Recording Procedure: Any submission that does not follow the recording guidelines may be disqualified from the audition.

    1. Your face and instrument must be clearly visible throughout the duration of your recording (i.e. no backgrounds to mask identity, blank video with audio, etc.).
    2. You cannot enter/exit the frame of the recording once you begin playing.
    3. You may sit or stand, whichever is more comfortable.
    4. At the start of each recording, you must clearly recite the following:
      • Hello, my name is (First & Last Name) and I am auditioning on (Instrument).
    5. After reading the script you should proceed to perform that portion of the audition without any further comments (i.e. do not identify which scale you are performing.)
    6. The following are prohibited during any recording:
      1. Backing Tracks, electronic or live accompaniment of any kind
      2. Metronome that you may see or hear.
      3. Use of a tuner, or app, to determine intonation or pitch during the recording.


    Script for Auditions: Say clearly at the start of each video.

    • Hello, my name is (First Name & Last Name) and I am auditioning on (Instrument).


    Video 1: Scales: All scales must be played in order in a single take.

    • Violin, Viola, Cello: Major scales and arpeggios: D, G, C (2 octaves), F major (1 octave), and any melodic minor of the student’s choice (1 octave). Slur scales 4 notes per bow and arpeggios 3 notes per bow.
    • Bass: Major scales and arpeggios: D (1 octave), G (2 octaves), C (2 octaves), F major (1 octave), and any melodic minor of the student’s choice (1 octave). Slur scales 2 notes per bow and arpeggios separate bows.


    Video 2: Solo: Perform the whole solo in a single take.

    • Mozart: Allegro – from Solo Time for Strings Book 4. This was the 2024 Jr. Western Region Orchestra audition solo.
      • Violins, violas, and cellos perform the entire solo.
      • Basses only perform measures 1-38.

    File Format:

    • Format: All submissions must be in a standard video format (MP4, MOV, AVI or WMV). If your file is not in one of these formats, please use a file converter so that it is in the correct format. Alternatively, you can upload your video to YouTube and send the link to Mr. Walter.
    • Editing: Files may not be edited to enhance or alter the audio or video content of the file (such as to make the audio louder/softer). The only edits permissible are to trim excess time (i.e. dead air at the beginning or end of the submission). No time may be trimmed from the middle of the submission (i.e. to cut dead time between scales, etc.). If the audition committee feels that any editing of the audition has occurred or if there is falsification of the audition, the audition submission will be disqualified.
    • Labeling: Submissions must adhere to the following format:
      • File 1: LastName_FirstName_Instrument_Scales
      • File 2: LastName_FirstName_Instrument_Solo


    Submission Email Address:


    Due Date: Friday, May 10th, 2024


    If you accept a spot in the 0 Period Sinfonia Orchestra, you are committing to a class that meets before school and to audition for the GCS All-County Orchestra and the NCMEA Western Region Orchestra.