- Northwest Guilford High School
- Steps Involved
STEP 1: Complete and turn in your Student Application electronically and email it directly to April Marshall.
There are three sections to complete in the application:
- Basic Information and Nomination Discipline
- Essays (Essay #1 is for every student, regardless of nomination area; Essay #2 is specific to your nomination area, so make sure to use the correct prompt)
- Personal Readiness (Where you list school/community activities and awards and describe what makes you ready for a summer residential experience in a learning community)
STEP 2: Get TWO Recommendations. Review the official Recommendation Form and ask adults who can attest to your academic/artistic strengths, personal character, and readiness for the Governor's School experience. Make sure your Recommenders know they will need to electronically complete the form and email it directly to Ms. Marshall when finished.
Things to keep in mind:
- At least one recommendation should be from one of your high school teachers, preferably in your nominated discipline.
- The second recommendation can be from another teacher, a school counselor or administrator, an out-of-school instructor, coach, or community leader.
- Neither you nor your parent should receive or review the recommendation--they should go straight from the recommender to Ms. Marshall.
STEP 3: Follow up! Email Ms. Marshall to make sure she received all your materials filled out correctly.
COMPLETED PACKETS (Student Applications & TWO Recommendations) must be submitted to by Friday, November 12, 2021 at 5pm.