- Northwest Guilford High School
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Hello! Welcome to Forensics and Physical Science with Mrs. Lewis!
I love animals (ask me about my pets!), traveling (the picture was from a vacation in 2023), and spending time with friends and family. I enjoy good food, a good book, and a good joke. My favorite season is fall, my favorite precipitation is snow, and my favorite ice cream flavor is dulce de leche.
All I ask of my students is to make an honest effort and meet me in the middle. We'll make it to the end together. Life is hard, we all struggle. You are not alone. Let's chat. We can make a plan together.
My contact information is 336-605-3300; Ask for Lewis, and lewisj3@gcsnc.com (email is preferred). You can also send a canvas or remind message (codes are below).
I am the chemistry club advisor. Check us out on Tuesdays (https://nwhs.alltimely.com/auth/login =2 meetings a month on average) during WIN. Chemistry club remind code (Optional): @6gg97f4
I am also the NW: CSI Club advisor. We will have meetings once or twice a month on Tuesdays or Wednesdays (to be discussed once school begins). Optional, to join NW: CSI Club remind, use the code: @nwcsi
In the 2024-2025 school year, I will teach a Forensic Science elective and Physical Science. I am excited to have you in my class this year!
2024-2025 Schedule:
1st: Forensics
2nd: Forensics
3rd: Planning
4th: Physical Science
5th: Physical Science
6th: Physical Science
It is REQUIRED for students to sign up for the appropriate class in remind. This will help a lot if there are technical difficulties in CANVAS throughout the year.
1st and 2nd Forensics remind code: @henryclsys
4th, 5th, and 6th: Physical Science remind code: @newtonappl
Homeroom remind code (optional; good to get updates on school closures and schedule changes etc): @6dgc3a
I will do my best to keep you up-to-date on all the happenings by sending out regular remind messages. I will keep Canvas updated at all times. Please refer to Canvas for information on classwork etc. PowerSchool is where you will keep up with your grades.
WIN Calendar is accessible via nwhs.alltimely.com/login and is already updated for my entire year (with some slight changes coming for club meeting dates). We'll have homeroom the first week of school and after that we'll only meet in homeroom for report card distribution. You *should* be able to sign up at least a month out with alltimely.com. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY THIS YEAR TO PLAN AHEAD WHERE YOU WANT TO BE AT WIN. IF YOU DO NOT PLAN YOUR OWN TIME, MS. B-C WILL PLAN IT FOR YOU FOR THE NEXT WEEK. SO, GET TO IT!
My WIN weekly calendar is essentially:
Mondays/Thursdays: Tutoring
Tuesdays/Wednesdays: Club meetings/Study hall/Decompress with Lewis (all are welcome to come hang out and be productive)
Fridays: Department/Subject PLC meeting (no WIN in my room)
Occasional Tuesdays will be reserved for Chemistry Club/CSI Club meetings.
Parents: You are welcome to sign up for remind (code @2eg292), but it is more important that you share good contact information. Please scan and fill out this form. :)
(need to insert)
Mrs. Lewis