• Expectations and Goals

    1. When the bells rings and during the class period, sit in your assigned seat unless

    participating in a special group project and start your bell ringer.

    2. Be prepared for class with all necessary tools; academic supplies to include a pencil,

    notebook with paper inside.

    3. During class discussions, ONLY one person speaks at a time and PLEASE raise your

    hand and wait to be acknowledged.

    4. VERY IMPORTANT! Everyone has a voice and opinions on conversations in this class, so keep it clean and respectful not intending to hurt anyone’s feelings or become disrespectful. Discussions in this class stay in this class!

    5. Food items are not allowed in the class unless arranged by the teacher. Water bottles are


    6. Do not leave the classroom without teacher permission

    7. CELL PHONES will be placed in the organizer on the wall if you cannot keep them away. We will have times when we will use them but only when instructed.…NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

    9. Respect yourself, the teacher and each other!

    Required Materials

    • Bring Chromebook to class EVERYDAY, along with paper in a folder and some type of writing utensil.