- Northwest Guilford High School
- Homepage
Welcome to my webpage! This information is updated for the 2024-2025 school year.
For your convenience, I'm including links for contact information here. It's imperative that I have current contact information, so I'm including a google form to collect email and phone numbers for parents, and emails for students. I have also updated my remind codes which are mandatory for students and optional for parents. Thank you for taking the time to help this school year run as smoothly as possible.
In order to facilitate easy communication this year, please fill in the following Google form which corresponds to your class.
AP Physics 1:
AP Physics 2:
Honors Physics:
To join remind for each class:
AP Physics 1: 24_APPhysics1
text @drstilw to the number 81010
AP Physics 2: 24_APPhysics2
text @drstilwe to the number 81010
Honors Physics: 24_HonorsPhysics
text @drstilwel to the number 81010
Class Supplies:
Required Supplies:
1 lined composition notebook for notes and practice
A folder or binder to store loose papers - any type
A scientific calculator.
Classroom Wish list: tissues, tissues, tissues, colored copy paper, Clorox wipes, hand sanitizer, post-it notes, tape, and gift cards to Target, Amazon, Lowes, etc. to purchase supplies. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
To join AP classroom in AP Central, use the link
My Schedule 24-25
Period 1: AP Physics 1
Period 2: Honors Physics
Period 3: AP Physics 2
Period 4: Planning
Period 5: AP Physics 1
Period 6: AP Physics 1
WIN: Mon, Wed - Tutoring
Tues,Thurs - Study Hall or Science Olympiad or eSports
Fri - PLC (no student WIN)
Thank you, and I look forward to working with you this year!

I'm excited to be part of the team here at Northwest High, for my eighth year. I hold an undergraduate degree and Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Durham, UK, then moved to UCLA to work as a post-doctoral research assistant in the department of materials science and engineering. I've taught Community College, private high school and most recently have been at Northern Guilford High School for five years, where I was teacher of the year and recipient of a national Regeneron (formerly Intel) Teacher of Merit Award. I live in Oak Ridge with my husband and three teenagers - my son is here at NWHS, my daughter is a sophomore at Chapel Hill, studying psychology and my step-daughter is a junior at Western Carolina studying elementary education.