- Northwest Guilford High School
- Honors Spanish III Resources & Information
Negrete, Tiffany
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Honors Spanish III Syllabus & Information
Course Description
This course consists of a continuation of the skills of communication in Spanish. Students in this course will continue their intermediate skills in the language as well as learn new vocabulary and more advanced grammatical structures. Students will apply these skills to advance their communication skills. The four components of this course are: speaking, listening, reading and writing. This is a speaking intensive course. All students will be expected to produce Spanish daily in class in spoken and written forms.
Course Objectives
Objectives of this course are to continue learning new language skills and incorporate them into every day communicative situations in Spanish. In addition, students will better understand cultural perspectives, traditions, ideas and practices of the Spanish-speaking world.
Classroom Materials
Students will be utilizing a variety of different texts to achieve our unit goals. All of these texts will be supplied by Northwest Guilford World Languages Department.
Students will also need the following materials to be successful in class. It is imperative that students bring their own required materials to class.
-Pencils and Pens
-Colored Pencils and Glue Sticks *Each student should have their own set of colored pencils and glue sticks.
Classroom Rules
- Students are expected to arrive to class on time and be seated in their assigned seats daily when the bell rings.
- Students always have a Warm-Up Activity (called Preguntas del Día), they are expected to complete this activity in the allotted time given. The Preguntas del Día will encompass concepts gone over from previous days.
- Students are expected to bring their Spanish composition book and other required materials to class.
- Please eat lunch during the allotted time in our schedule, no food is permitted to be eaten during class. Drinks in secure bottles are fine. Please use the restroom between classes during breaks. I will be providing a limited number of restroom passes. So, please try to use the restrooom before or after class.
- Students are expected to be on task, and be respectful to the teacher and their classmates.
- To excel in Spanish class, students must spend 15-20 minutes reviewing their vocabulary words and/or new structures we have learned in that chapter.
Missed assessments (formal or informal) of any kind must be made up within 3 days of an absence. Students are welcome to make up assessments after school or during WIN. If students do not complete the assignment, it will become a permanent zero (0%). This policy is department approved.
However, I recognize things happen. If you have ANY extenuating circumstance such as/but not limited to: illness of several days, death in the family, or ANY other circumstance that will keep you from completing make up work within 3 days, please contact me WITHIN the three days to come up with a plan that works well for both of us. Communication is key!
IMPORTANT: If a student demonstrates the use of outside resources in any assignment or assessment, they will earn a zero on the assignment. This includes (but is not limited to) Google Translate, copying the work of a friend, other online translators. Students, please only use the notes given to you in our lessons to complete your work. I want to see your work NOT the internet's work!
In this course, students are to show mastery within four domains of the language which include: speaking, writing, listening and reading. Each graded assignment or assessment will fall under the following categories. The breakdown of the percentages are as follows:
Reading - 25%
Listening - 25%
Writing - 25%
Speaking - 25%
Tutoring with Señora
Tutoring Schedule will be updated soon.
Mrs. Tiffany Saavedra Negrete
Spanish I/ Honors Spanish III Instructor
NWGHS World Language Department