- Northwest Guilford High School
- Deutsch 2
Worthington-Groce, Lisa
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Deutsch 2
Guten Tag! Frau W looks forward to teaching you in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, or 6th period German 2 this year...check out our course page on Canvas for more information.
Course Overview: In this course, you will build upon what you learned in German 1 by expanding your vocabulary & grammar skills to enable you to interact more in depth on issues of everyday life. We will focus on the skills of speaking and listening, but reading and writing with greater accuracy will also play an important role. We’ll learn through a variety of activities (role plays, skit writing & performance, partner work, videos, podcasts, comic books, readers, TPRS, etc.). The following topics & skills will be covered:
· People & Animals (Appearance, Personality, & Interests)
· Fairy Tales
· Vacation & Travel
· Food & Markets
· Illness & Health
· Sports & Entertainment
· Media & Communication
· Geography, Culture & History
· Describing/narrating in detail (in present & conversational past tenses)
· Giving advice
· Offering short persuasive arguments
Skills: By the end of the German II course, you should be able to describe people & places in more detail, discuss likes & dislikes on a variety of topics, narrate a short story or fairy tale in past or present tense, describe past and future events, purchase a ticket & interact with others when traveling, ask for & give directions, describe the geography and popular sights/activities of German-speaking countries, describe a trip or vacation, explain an injury or illness, offer advice, debate a topic, and discuss the products, practices, and perspectives of the German-speaking nations.
German 2- Notes on German 1 conversations
Conversations NOTES: Meeting a New Person, Eating Out, Shopping for Clothes
Unit 5-In der Stadt
Unit 6-Alltag
Unit 7-Stadt oder Land?