- Northwest Guilford High School
- Spanish 3 Syllabus
Stencler, Gwen
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World Language Syllabus / Spanish III
Señora Stencler Room 444
Course Description
Students in Spanish III will continue the intermediate skills of communication in Spanish. They will learn new, useful vocabulary, and will learn intermediate grammatical structure. They will apply the vocabulary and grammar in communicative situations. Emphasis is placed on the four components of language: speaking, listening, reading and writing.
IN SHORT: The objective of this class is to learn how to better communicate with Spanish speakers and better understand the products, practices, and perspectives of the Spanish-speaking world.Text: Asi se dice, Entre culturas, Realidades
- You will come to class prepared (materials ready, homework completed, rested, ready to speak in Spanish)
- You will respect the work of others- no one is perfect, and if this class seems too easy for you, I will move you to level 4!
- You will listen to others and respond appropriately
- You will be kind
- You will not use your phone in class unless it is part of the activity (phone use when not appropriate will result in a zero)
- You will succeed as long as you apply your best efforts
- You will NOT use Google Translate or other outside sources (this includes other people) to do YOUR work. I do NOT tolerate cheating, and there will be no second chances. Be a decent and honest human being!
- You will speak Spanish in class- you are expected to stay in the target language 100% of the time!
- Until things change, you will wear your face mask appropriately, covering your mouth and nose. Chin diapers are a no-no!
Individual (at home) Expectations
- Students are expected to spend 15-20 minutes daily looking over current classroom work, themes, vocabulary, etc.
- It is the student’s responsibility to obtain missing work. Please check Canvas if you are out!
Cell phone procedures
Successful students in world language classes are engaged and participatory. For that reason, students will put away cell phones in class. Some class activities necessitate the use of a phone- on those days students will use them for the assigned activity. Use of cell phones in class when not directed will not be tolerated.
Missed evaluations must be completed within 3 days of the student’s return to school. If the student is aware of the assessment but is absent the day before it is given, he/she will be required to take the assessment with the rest of the class.
Grading policy
Students are graded on the four domains of the language.
Integrated activities.................10%
This is a participatory class- students MUST participate in class to achieve an above-average grade
Tardy Policy
1st Accrued Tardy Teacher Issued Warning
2nd Accrued Tardy 15 minute After School Detention (ASD) with the assigning teacher and parent contact
3rd Accrued Tardy Office referral. Lunch detention assigned and parent contact by the grade level administrator.
4th Accrued Tardy Office referral. ASD assigned by the grade level administrator.
5th Accrued Tardy Office referral. Additional ASD assigned by the grade level administrator.
6th Accrued Tardy Office referral. 1) One period of ISS assigned by the grade level administrator. 2) This tardy also constitutes a 2nd absence against exam exemptions. 3) If the student has a parking pass and the tardy affects 1st period, the parking pass will be revoked for one (1)week.
7th Accrued Tardy Office referral. 1) Additional ISS assigned by the grade level administrator. 2) If the student has a parking pass and the tardy affects 1st period, the parking pass will be revoked for one (1) month.
8th Accrued Tardy Office referral. 1) Additional ISS assigned by the grade level administrator. 2) If the student has a parking pass and the tardy affects 1st period, the parking pass will be revoked for the rest of the semester.
9+ Accrued Tardies Office referral. 1) Additional ISS assigned by the grade level administrator.
Note: the 9th tardy constitutes a third absence against exam exemptions and the 13th tardy disqualifies a student from exempting exams.
3:55-4:30, Monday afternoons / Thursday mornings by appointment
Members of the Spanish National Honor Society will serve as peer tutors this year. Please let me know if you would like a peer tutor.