- Northwest Guilford High School
- Homepage
- Old School GCS Calendars (I did these for me and make them available to you because I'm just a sweetheart of a guy. ;-) SERIOUSLY THOUGH, THESE ARE BASED ONLY ON THE GCS CALENDARS ADOPTED 07FEB23; NO GUARANTEES AS TO THEIR ACCURACY, ESP IF GCS RELEASES UPDATES WITH NO ANNOUNCEMENT.
• 24-25 Traditional • - SCHEDULE 24-25: 3 Anatomy sections, 1st, 2nd & 5th periods; 2 Astronomy sections, 3rd & 4th periods.
- [8/18/24: THE LINKS TO BOTH THIS WELCOME VIDEO AND ITS EXPLANATION HAVE GONE (IF YOU'LL EXCUSE THE OLD MILITARY PARLANCE) TANGO UNIFORM. THE EXPLANATION PAGE LOOKS LIKE IT'S ACTUALLY BEEN CONVERTED INTO CHINESE, BUT WHEN I CUT/PASTE THE CHINESE INTO GOOGLE TRANSLATE, ZIP-NADA-NOTHING. I'M GONNA KEEP LOOKING AROUND BUT I THINK OTHER LINKS HERE ARE OK.] CHECK OUT MY WELCOME VIDEO (right-click and DL it, otherwise all you'll get is audio)...FROM 20-21! ;-) It's old but I'm leaving it up since it gives a good sense of how I run things, even though there are clearly some references to "COVID time" that are no longer applicable. VIDEO LINK / EXPLANATION LINK - (Again, DL & save the video to view it with your movie viewer; just clicking the link plays audio only. And do check out that explanation link! It clarifies a lot of stuff in the video. And by the way, my plan was for the clip to be 5 minutes long, but as has been the story of my life as a teacher, you get me going talking about something and I can't shut up. So, 11+ minutes, but it SHOULD at least be watchable.)
- ASSIGNMENT INFO and DUE DATES, ETC, WILL APPEAR ON THE CANVAS CALENDAR. For CHESS CLUB INFORMATION, heavy-duty mythbusting, and general science awesomeness, go here: http://russillo.weebly.com/ (I have not one but two eclipse web pages, to give you an idea of the breadth & depth of my nerd-dork-geekitude.)
- Grades, for me, are ONLY posted on PowerSchool. I do NOT post grades on Canvas.
- SYLLABUS/EXPECTATIONS: You can use the above Weebly links to DL this year's Expectations/Syllabus sheets.
- CONTACT: russils@gcsnc.com email is best for me but if you prefer to call, there's G Voice:
(336) 289-9273Well there was, but evidently I didn't use it enough so Google nuked it. For a voice call and/or to leave a voice message, call the school at 336-605-3300, x1618 - TUTORING: Tutoring is largely built around WIN, but you can ALWAYS email me and set up a 1-on-1 session for before or after school.
- Old School GCS Calendars (I did these for me and make them available to you because I'm just a sweetheart of a guy. ;-) SERIOUSLY THOUGH, THESE ARE BASED ONLY ON THE GCS CALENDARS ADOPTED 07FEB23; NO GUARANTEES AS TO THEIR ACCURACY, ESP IF GCS RELEASES UPDATES WITH NO ANNOUNCEMENT.