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Brian McMath (Director of Bands) is currently starting in his twenty-seventh year as an educator and twentyieth year as the Director of Bands at Northwest Guilford High School in Greensboro, North Carolina. While at Northwest Guilford, Mr. McMath’s bands have received recognition for their growth, discipline and individual member achievements. Members of the class bands (Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble) are consistently chosen for various All-County, All-District and Honor Bands across the state. At least thirty alumni from Mr. McMath’s programs are now music educators or are pursuing careers in music education.
Under Mr. McMath’s direction, the school’s Concert Band, Symphonic Band and Wind Ensemble have consistently earned ratings of Excellent and Superior at Regional and State Festivals. The Wind Ensemble consistently performs grade five and grade six literature at the North Carolina Music Performance Assessment Festival, earning Superior Ratings. Additionally, the Marching Viking Band (a volunteer organization) has competed in the Outback Bowl (twice – Grand Champion 2004) in Tampa, Florida and the Fiesta Bowl in Tempe, Arizona. The Marching Viking Band has been invited to perform at the Liberty Bowl, the Orange Bowl, the Chick-Fil-A Peach Bowl, the Citrus Bowl, the National Parade in Washington, DC, the Holiday Parade in Waikiki, Hawaii and at the London New Year’s Day Parade.
The inaugural Wind Symphony was selected to perform at the John F. Kennedy Performing Arts Center in Washington, DC for the 2020 Sousa Festival. This was cancelled the day before leaving due to Covid-19...but the Marching Viking Band will be traveling to Waikiki, Hawaii in December 2021 to perform for the 80th Anniversary of Peal Harbor.
Mr. McMath was selected as a 2023 Grammy Music Educator Semi-Finalist and in 2021 a top 10 finalist for the Grammy Music Educator Award out of almost 2,000 submissions. He also received the Central District Bandmasters Association Award of Excellence for 2021.
Welcome to the band programs at Northwest Guilford High School!
For comprehensive information, please go to the Band website located below.
'0' Period - Jazz Ensemble
1st Period - Concert Band
2nd Period - Symphonic Band
3rd Period - Wind Ensemble
6th Period - Percussion Ensemble