•  Mrs. Jennifer Doner                                                                                           

    Extra Help: any morning, afternoon by appointment

    Room:  #101                                                                                                       

    Test days: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday                                        

    Phone:  605-3300                                                                                      

    Planning: 6th Period 

    Email:  donerj@gcsnc.com                                                


    Literature Disclaimer:

    “Literary texts studied in the high school classroom are complex, higher-level texts which may contain mature content and themes. ‘Mature content’ may include, but is not limited to pervasive strong language, disturbing violence and behavior, sexual acts, drug/alcohol use or references, controversial content, or culturally diverse themes. These books are selected based on their literary merit and will be studied through their historical and cultural context. Our instructional purpose is to expose students to perspectives unlike or in opposition to their own in order to analyze complex themes and to promote individual reflection and academic growth.”