• SWHS Student Services Department


    Welcome to the Ranch!!



    Southwest Guilford High School will engage students in a safe, inclusive, student-centered, collaborative community and, with the assistance of data, will provide rigorous, culturally relevant and equitable educational opportunities that prepare students for post-secondary success.

    Meet Our Wonderful Student Services Team!

    Mr. Schnaith-Ivan - All 9th Grade Students

    Mrs. Bruce - Last names A - D, Grades 10-12

    Mrs. Horton (Moore) - Last names E - L, Grades 10-12 

    Ms. Williamson - Last names M - R, Grades 10-12

    Ms. Varner - Last names S - Z, Grades 10-12

    Mr. Anderson - Graduation Coach

    Mr. Pemberton - Social Worker

    Mrs. Powell - Counseling Department Secretary

    Mrs. Cline - Data Manager

    Ms. Karant - Registrar



    Invitation to Attend Information Session and Apply for 2025 Student Leaders®


    Be the generation to serve, inspire and change the world!

    For two decades, Student Leaders has been part of Bank of America’s ongoing commitment to invest in youth employment and economic mobility. Our goal is to help prepare a pipeline of community and civic-minded young students to be successful in the workforce through leadership summit and eight-week paid internships at a local nonprofit.


    Through our Student Leaders program, we annually connect more than 300 community-minded high school juniors and seniors from nearly 100 communities throughout the U.S. to employment, skills development and service. Those selected for this program gain practical work and life experiences.


    We are looking for the next generation of community change-makers in the Triad. If you or someone you know is a current junior or senior in high school in Winston Salem Forsyth County Schools and Guilford County Schools and have a passion for improving the community, please join us for our information session to learn more about the application process and program details. This session is open to prospective applicants, parents, guardians, guidance counselors and advisors.

    To learn more:


    • Please visit our website to learn if you or a student you know is eligible for the program and to review our FAQs.
    • We invite you to join our information session:


      • January 7, 2025 at 7:00pm ET/4:00pm PT. Please register via this link.


    • If you are unable to attend live but would like to learn more, a replay of the information session will be available for 90 days after the event. To view the replay, please register using the same registration link above.
    • Please reach out to foundation@bofa.com if you require ADA accommodations.
    • To apply for Student Leaders online, please click here. Applications are due January 15.
    • For the Triad, one leader will be selected in Winston Salem Forsyth County Schools and one in Guilford County Schools.



    UNC Catalyst Conference 2025

    Are you passionate about social justice, eager to improve your advocacy skills, or interested in connecting with peers who share your values? Consider joining UNC for the 2025 Catalyst Conference on February 14th – 16th.  

    Interested students should visit the link below for more information.






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Student Services Policies and Procedures

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