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McDonald, Janis
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Mrs. McDonald's Science Stuff
I LOVE CHEMISTRY!! After several years as a research chemist, I returned to school to pursue my true calling as an educator. I have a Masters in Science Education from Wake Forest University and a BS in Chemistry from UNC-Wilmington. I've been a science teacher at Southwest since 2010. I look forward to contributing to the success of my students and instilling in them an appreciation and understanding of chemistry as well as science in general. I was selected to be an NC Space Education Ambassador for NASA this past fall and look forward to implementing "space stuff" into the curriculum. Follow me on Twitter @SciSorceress or email me at mcdonaj2@gcsnc.com.
For the most recent class updates, sign up for Remind by texting the @codes below to 81010
******Assignments are not posted here *****
School Hours: 9:15 to 4:15
SPRING 2022 Schedule
Block 1 (9:15-10:45): Chemistry (text @646e4dh to 81010)
Block 2 (10:50-12:20): planning period
Block 3 (12:25-2:40): Honors Chemistry (text @9gfhb7 to 81010)
4th lunch: 2:10 - 2:40 (ALL students eat in the classroom)
Block 4: (2:45 -4:15): Honors Chemistry (text @9gfhb7 to 81010)
Required Supplies: 3 ring binder, with pockets, scientific ruler (cm), "bound" composition lab book, scissors, graph paper, colored pencils. Also a scientific calculator: TI-30xa, TI30XIIS are my favs. YOU MAY NOT USE YOUR PHONE AS A CALCULATOR
Class supplies: Clorox wipes, tissues, bandaids, alcohol prep pads, expo markers