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  • Parent Preview Letter

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    Parent Notification Letter - Letters to notify parents of the Reproductive Health and Safety Education classes were distributed during the schools' Open House.  Mrs. Wheat also included an announcement on her weekly Connect Ed. telephone call to all households.  Letters will continue to be distributed in grades 6-8 PE. classes this week. 

    A Parent Preview Meeting will be held on Friday, August 30, 2024, in the school’s Media Center. The parent preview meeting is intended to provide an overview of the required Common Core Essential Standard Goals and Objectives of the N.C. Standard Course of Study. The session will be for parents of all students in grades sixth through eighth. The Parent Preview Meeting is not required, but it is encouraged.

    All students will be enrolled in the Reproductive Health and Safety Education classes.  Physical Education Teachers will rotate their students in the Reproductive Health class beginning September 3, 2024.  Rotations will continue throughout the school year.  Please contact Mrs. Hailey, if you have questions or request additional information at haileyc@gcsnc.com

    Healthful Living Education is required for all students in North Carolina public schools.  Reproductive Health and Safety Education is a section within healthful living education and is a standard portion of health.  Schools are expected to follow the North Carolina Standard Course of Study for healthful living, which includes teaching and learning behaviors that contribute to a healthful lifestyle and improved quality of life for all students. 
