

    Please be prepared with a physical and concussion form on the first day of tryouts.  Download the BandApp for specific team information.

    For tryout information click the ATHLETICS link above and then go to TEAM PAGES tab and then click on the specific team page that's located to the left of the page.

     Parents, be prepared to pay an entry fee at ALL away games.  $5.00 adults/ $3.00 children

    Concussion Clinic Care

    Lebauer Sports Medicine offers a concussion clinic if your child is having symptoms of a concussion.  They offer appointments within 24 to 48 hours and have a dedicated hotline staffed by an athletic trainer to answer any questions and provide recommendations until the scheduled appointment time.  Clinical hours are Mon-Thurs, 7:30-4:00 and Friday, 7:30 to noon.  The number for the concussion hotline is : 336-851-8436. 


    Athletic Eligibility


    Academics - In grades 6th, 7th and 8th, the student must pass at least 3 core classes the semester before he or she can participate in a sport. 

    Age -   A student shall not participate on a 6th, 7th or 8th grade team if the student becomes 15 years of age on or before August 31st of that school year. 

    Attendance - A player must be in attendance at least 85% of the previous semester. (students may not miss over 13 days in the previous semester) 

    Semester Rule - No student may be eligible to participate at the middle school level for a period lasting longer than  6 consecutive semesters beginning with the student's entry into 6th grade. 

    Residence - The student may participate only at the school to which the student is assigned by the LEA.  Transfers within the same administrative unit may be governed by the local Board of Education policy . The student must physically reside at the residence listed as the primary residence. 

    Medical/Concussion Form - The student must receive a medical examination every 395 days by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant. The concussion form must be signed and returned with the physical form. The concussion form is current for the school year (August to June).   

    Athletic eligibility requirements and the NCAA Eligibility Center can also be found on the GCS website - gcsnc.com under Departments go to Athletics and find the links section.