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  • Kindergarten Registration

    Learn more about Kindergarten Registration

    Kindergarten Parent Help/Resource Sessions

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  • Home Base

    Parent Portal  - Parents/guardians must sign up to access bus assignment information

    1. To register for the PowerSchool Parent Portal, parents will need their child’s Student ID number (student’s lunch number and NCEdCloud username, which is used for remote learning.)
    2. Select “Parent Registration.”
    3. The students’ Parent Portal Access ID and Access Password will be sent to the parent/guardian through email, which will allow them to add the child to their Parent Portal Account.
    4. Parents/guardians can also receive their child’s Parent Portal Access ID and Access Password by contacting the Data Manager at the student’s school. Please be prepared to verify your identity as the student’s legal guardian.
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  • Here Comes the Bus

    “Here Comes the Bus” can provide you your child’s scheduled arrival and drop off times at home and school, real time notifications when your child’s bus is near your pick-up location.  You can access bus information by logging onto your “Here Comes the Bus” account or by visiting the website and downloading the app from the App Store or Google play and using code 87491 to create an account.

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  • Online Enrollment System

    How to enroll a new student



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