- Southern Elementary School
- Teacher Page
Welcome to second grade! I am very thankful to have the privilege of working with you and your child. Second grade is the year they transition from being beginning readers to fluent readers. Math goes from counting to developing a sense of number. By year's end, your scholar will be able to write a paragraph! I believe that learning is fun and your child will soon agree!
To make this huge transition, we must work together. Communication is key. I may know a lot about teaching second graders, but you are the expert on your child. Please be sure to keep me informed about what your child needs. I will keep you informed with weekly newsletters, class dojo reports, conferences, and progress reports. Every Tuesday, I will send home the school work your child has completed for you to review. Call me any time you have concerns.
Professionally, I have a Dual Major degree in Elementary Education/Exceptional Education from University of NC, Greensboro. My sixteen years of teaching have been spent in second and third grade. I have additional training in Positive Behavior Support and Social Emotional Learning. Personally, I am a parent of two adult children and enjoy spending time with my 23 god-children. My husband and I have a cat, two dogs, and a parrot. I de-stress by hiking, a luxury bath, and chocolate. I am encouraged and feel appreciated by words of affirmation.
I am very excited about getting started!
Devana Snyder

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