- Southern Elementary School
- Mrs. Shipman, School Counselor
Phone: 336-674-4325
Degrees and Certifications:
Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Iowa State University Masters in School Counseling, University of Iowa North Carolina K-12 License in School Counseling
Mrs. Brooke Shipman
Mrs. Shipman graduated from Iowa State University with a Bachelor of Science in Psychology in 2003 and a Masters in School Counseling from the University of Iowa in 2005. After her schooling, she moved to North Carolina in August of 2005 to be the school counselor at Southern Elementary, and has loved it from day one!
Mrs. Shipman is originally from Iowa. She grew up on a farm with her parents and younger brother and sister. In her free time, she likes to spend time with family, walk, work in the yard, read, and watch movies. She loves cats, too! Mrs. Shipman is married and has a daughter who was born in 2017. Her family likes to go to parks like Stone Mountain and Pilot Mountain to hike, as well as drive the Blue Ridge Parkway in the fall to see the colorful scenery. The Outer Banks is a favorite summer vacation spot.
Here are some of her favorite things!
Why elementary school counselors?
Elementary school counselors are educators uniquely trained in child development, learning strategies, self-management and social skills, who understand and promote success for today’s diverse students. They implement a school counseling program to support all students through this important developmental period. The program provides education, prevention and intervention activities, which are integrated into all aspects of children’s lives. The program teaches knowledge, attitudes, and skills students need to acquire in academic, career and social/emotional development, which serve as the foundation for future success. -Source: The American School Counselor Association: The Essential Role of Elementary School Counselors (link)
- Individual and small group counseling: planning and delivery
- Classroom lessons: planning and delivery
- Consultation and collaboration with school staff and parents
- Student Council Advisor
- Committee membership and fair-share duties
- Section 504, IPS Team (Intensive Problem Solving), and CICO Program (Check-In Check-Out) coordination and facilitation
- Participating in district and professional network training and meetings
My office is a welcoming, safe, and caring space where we work, learn, share, and have fun together. School counseling is for ALL students!
One area of my work as an elementary school counselor: Classroom Counseling-Guidance Lessons For All K-5 Students
Classroom counseling-guidance lessons are a way for school counselors to serve all students in the school, to teach vital knowledge and skills for school and life. Lessons are effective, engaging, and research-based. Students gain knowledge and attitudes, and practice skills during classroom lessons. Of course we have fun, too! We have whole group instruction and students practice skills collaboratively with their peers, as well as work and/or reflect individually. Lesson topics include but are not limited to: emotions and coping strategies, friendship behaviors/social skills, problem solving/conflict resolution, career awareness, testing-taking strategies (grades 3-5), and more. An example lesson agenda may look like:
- feelings check-in using Zones of Regulation colors (picture of chart below) to identify different feelings; movement break or connection question ("Out of these 4 winter activities, which would be your favorite and why?") as needed
- counselor instruction: slideshow and/or book read aloud, questions and answers, partner chats
- practice skills: whole group or small group or partners or individually, depending on the activity and skills, grade level, and developmental level of the students; we may practice using puzzles, games, movement, role plays, reading, writing, or drawing
- reflection/independent work/closing questions
Ms. Chrisman, media specialist, and I teach our lessons on an every other week basis on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
There are a few times when I have a district school counseling meeting or if there is a student that needs emotional support immediately, therefore, we won't have classroom lessons during such instances.
(Photo credits above to The Responsive Counselor, author of many lessons and counseling curriculums that I use in my work with students.)