- Parkview Village Elementary School
- School Leadership Information
School Leadership Information
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School Leadership Information
The school leadership team members are an elected group of educators representing the school. The team is looking to add new parent representation and community representation. If you would like to be a part of the SIT, please contact Mrs. Curry via email communicating your intentions.
Dr. Monique Curry, Principal (currym@gcsnc.com)
Katisha Pickett, SIT Chair and Teacher, pickettk2@gcsnc.com
Erin Bradley, 3rd Grade Teacher (bradlee2@gcsnc.com)
Taba Monroe, 4th Grade Teacher (mcintyt@gcsnc.com)
Donna Foster, Curriculum Facilitator (fosterd@gcsnc.com)
Zach Baker, Music Teacher (bakerc4@gcsnc.com)
Delonte Green, Lead Custodian (greened@gcsnc.com)
Angela Robinson, Community Representative, Parkview CUCC (arrreligion@icloud.com)
Angie Young, Family Engagement Coordinator, younga3@gcsnc.com
Devonyha James, Counselor, jamesd3@gcsnc.com
Jody A Graham, Teacher, Grahama5@gcsnc.com
Rose Walker-Crosdale, Teacher, walkerr6@gcsnc.com
Chermika Walker, Media Coordinator, walkerc10@gcsnc.com
Florenette Clinton, Parent Representative, floclinton3@gmail.com
Please review our 2023-2024 School Improvement Plan (SIP). For more details about how the School Leadership Team will address items in the SIP, view our NCStar Indicators at https://www.indistar.org. If the link does not open in a new window, please COPY & PASTE the link (https://www.indistar.org/) into a new browser.
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The School Leadership Team meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 2:45 p.m. in the Parkview media center.