
    What is PBIS?

    Positive Behavior Support Intervention Support is designed to benefit students, staff, and parents.

    Students benefit from a predictable environment where they know exactly what is expected of them to be successful, both academically and behaviorally.

    Staff benefits from having a structured approach that outlines the practices and systems that define the social culture of that school.

    Parents benefit from knowing at the beginning of the school year what the expectations will be for their child.

    School Wide Expectations

    As a Parkview Panther, I will be:

    • Respectful

    • Outstanding

    • Accepting

    • Responsible

    Therefore, I ROAR!

    What Students, Staff and Parents Gain from PBIS

    • reduction in office referrals

    • reduction in out of school suspensions

    • a more positive learning environment

    • more consistent behavior expectations school-wide


Last Modified on August 21, 2018