• Hello Panther Parents!  

    You will find links to the left that will be helpful to you as a parent of a student at Parkview Village Expressive Arts Magnet Elementary School.


    Please listen for Connect-Ed messages from Parkview Elementary.  These messages will generally come once a week and will contain important information about upcoming events and special notices.  All messages will be spoken in English and then Spanish immediately after the English message.


    Also, please remember to update your home, cell and work numbers in the main office as they change.  It is important for us to be able to get in touch with you in cases of emergency or child illness.


    If you would like to volunteer as a room parent, on the School Leadership Team or in any other area, please call Mrs. Barbara Mcrae. 

    Parent involvement is very important to your child and the school!


    Thank you for helping us build a successful Panther community!