

Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Science in Accounting WSSU Business Education Certification NCA&T State University National Board Certified Educator Master of Arts in School Administration NCA&T State University Educational Specialist, in Urban Education UNCG Doctorate, Educational Leadership, University of NC in Greensboro

Dr. Monique Curry

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! I am happy to be selected to join the magnificent team at Parkview Village Expressive Arts Magnet School.  Last year our team helped our scholars to meet or exceed growth in every  measurable area and we are hopeful that we can capitalize on this progress for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year.  I look forward to serving you as Principal of Parkview Village Expressive Arts Magnet School and working with our dynamic staff, parents, and community members to ensure our students not only grow but build the skills to be competitive in the future. In the upcoming weeks, I hope to connect with many parents, community members, and our scholars.  I will send messages out with times when we can meet and collaborate.  

Like many educators, I believe working with our youth is not only a passion, but a true calling.  I believe that together, parents and educators can ensure our students become productive leaders in the society in which they live. 

We all have roles in this invaluable work, with our scholars being the primary focus. I look forward to partnering with the Parkview Village family and the High Point community at large.


 Panther Pride!

Last Modified on October 22, 2024