Homecoming Information

  • SEHS Homecoming:  Sept. 29 

    (week of 25-29)


    Spirit Days:


    Monday-  No School; Teacher Workday


    Tuesday- Class Color Day;  Freshmen-  BABY BLUE;  Sophomores-  MELLO YELLOW;  Juniors-  JOLLY GREEN;   Seniors-  RED HOT


    Wednesday-  White Lies Wednesday- wear a white shirt; write a white lie on it(must be school appropriate)


    Thursday-  Retro vs. Rodeo-  dress “old school” or wear your Western wear


    Friday-  Black Out



    Powder Puff football game

    Tuesday, Sept. 26-  @ 6:30 pm in the Stadium

    -there are posters around the school for students to sign up to play

    -admission will be $5.00(cash only)

    -concessions will be available (cash only)




    Classroom door competition

    All 1st block teachers are encouraged to decorate their doors for the door competition.  This year’s theme is “Into the Wild”-  we play the Ragsdale Tigers for Homecoming.

    Doors need to be decorated by the end of the day Tuesday, Sept. 26th.   I know that Amick/Osborne, Bailey, Sterling,  & Newton/Clapp have already been thinking about how they can outdo everyone else!




    The Parade will take place on Friday, Sept. 29th at 5:45pm.  Any clubs, teams, etc. who want to have a float in the parade need to let me know by Sept. 22nd.  The theme is:  “Into the Wild

    Floats will need to be ready to go & report to Tabernacle Methodist Church by 5:15 on Friday.  Float participants are responsible for bringing their own candy to throw.  


    Homecoming Dance, Sat., Oct 7th, 7-10pm @ the Greensboro Moose Lodge on Blakeshire Rd.

    Tickets go on sale 9/20/23 @ 6 pm through Event Brite

    *Limited # of tickets available