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- Athletics Home Page
Ticket Prices:
Students: $3
Community: $5
CASH ONLY! No bills over $20, please.
The district has issued a clear bag policy at all GCS athletic events. This means purses, backpacks, and other traditional bags will not be allowed at the sporting event. Acceptable bags must be made of clear plastic or vinyl.
Middle School Eligibility Requirements (Established by the NCDPI)
Grade Level
Athletic participation is available to students in grades 6 through 8. (Students in 6th grade cannot participate in football.)Academic Requirements
In middle school a student must pass 3 of their 4 core courses each semester to be eligible for athletics.Attendance Requirement
In order to be eligible for athletic participation, students must have been in daily attendance 85% of the previous semester. In regards to athletic eligibility, daily absences cannot be made up under any circumstances, even if the student attends Saturday classes, extra help sessions, summer school, and/or any other means to make up academic work. A student must, at any time of any game in which he or she participates, be a regularly enrolled member of the school’s student body.Promotion Standards
In middle school a student must meet state and local promotion standards each semester. This includes the academic requirement listed above.Six Semester Rule
From the time a student first enters the 6th grade, they have a period of 6 consecutive semesters to complete their middle school athletic eligibility.Medical Examination
Student athletes must receive a medical examination once every 395 days by a duly licensed physician, nurse practitioner, or physician's assistant.Age
A student may not participate in any middle school sport if his or her 15th birthday comes on or before August 31st of the current school year.
Required Forms
Below are links to the physical and concussion forms that will need to be fully completed and submitted before a student-athlete can participate in any athletic activities.
Covid testing and consent form
The Guilford County Division of Public Health (GCDPH) is proud to partner with community medical providers and Guilford County Schools (GCS) to provide free, back-to-school health assessments and immunizations for children who do not have medical insurance or a primary care physician. For more info, CLICK HERE.
Parents who would like to schedule an appointment for their child or want to learn more about this program should call (336) 641- 3896.
Middle School Sports Calendar 2022-2023
Below is the Guilford County Middle School Sports Calendar. Students will need a current approved physical, and completed concussion form to be eligible for any sports. Students WILL NOT be eligible to participate if this information is not received.
For any questions or concerns, contact Mr. Jones jonesd12@gcsnc.com
Fall Sports
Football – First day of tryouts: August 29, 2022; Date of first Contest (no earlier than): September 21, 2022; Last contest (including make- up games): November 14, 2022
Boys Soccer & Girls Volleyball- First day of tryouts: August 29, 2022; Date of first contest (no earlier than): September 8, 2022; Last contest (including make- up games): October 6, 2022
Girls Soccer & Boys Volleyball- First Day of tryouts: October 10, 2022; Date of first contest (no earlier than): October 17, 2022; Last contest (including make- up games): November 14, 2022.
Winter Sports
Basketball (Girls & Boys)- First day of tryouts: November 16, 2022; Date of first contest (no earlier than): December 5, 2022; Last contest (including make- up games): February 15, 2022.
Wrestling- First day of tryouts: November 16, 2022; Date of first contest (no earlier than): December 5, 2022; Last contest (including make- up games): February 15, 2023
Spring Sports
Baseball/ Softball- First day of tryouts: March 6, 2023; Date of first contest (no earlier than): March 15, 2023; Last contest (including make- up games): May 25, 2023
Golf- First day of tryouts: March 6, 2023; Date of first contest (no earlier than): March 15, 2023); Last contest (including make- up games): May 25, 2023
Track & Field- First day of tryouts: March 6, 2023; Date of first contest (no earlier than): March 15, 2023; Last contest (including make- up games): May 25, 2023
Athletic Director

Phone: (336) 370-3471 Ext. 448603
Degrees and Certifications:
M.S. Forensic Psychology