Welcome to my little corner here at the Academy at Lincoln! My name is Allyson Bracey and I teach 7th Grade English Language Arts.
I have taught for almost 15 years at Lincoln. Before I became a teacher, I was a staff writer for the High Point Enterprise. I covered the Randolph County beat, writing stories daily about the county. I learned a lot as I traveled through the area, speaking to all kinds of people about all kinds of different things!
North Carolina has been my home for 21 years! Though I now have a slight " Carolina Twang", a slower speed when I drive and drink lots of sweet tea, my favorite place to be is in Maryland!
I learned that my maternal grandfather's family has lived in the state (in and around Baltimore) for almost 200 years! I lived in Columbia, Maryland for six years before I moved to North Carolina to attend High Point University.
In addition to researching my family history, I love writing, listening to music, crocheting, and drawing. If you want to know more about any of those things (except for drawing, I am going to ask my artistic students to help me out with that since I just started over the summer), just ask me!
My husband and I have five children: two high schoolers, one middle schooler, an elementary schooler, and a 4-year-old who runs the show!
I am looking forward to working with each of you and helping you find a deeper appreciation for reading. Reading is so much fun, especially when you get to read what you like!