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     Northeast Guilford High School

    Career and Technical Education Courses

    PRINCIPLES OF BUSINESS & FINANCE 1 UNIT Grade Level: 9, 10 1 Unit In this foundation course, students will learn the basics of business, finance, management, and marketing. Students will study these topics as they relate to business in the global economy, functions of business organization and management, marketing basics, and the significance of business financial and risk management. 

    MARKETING HONORS 1 UNIT This course is designed to introduce students to the dynamic processes and activities in marketing.  The experience includes students developing an understanding and skills in the areas of distribution, marketing-information management, market planning, pricing, product/service management, promotion, and selling.  Also, students develop an understanding of marketing functions applications and their impact on business operations. Strong communication skills are necessary and English language arts, mathematics, and social studies standards are reinforced. 

    BUSINESS MANAGEMENT I HONORS 1 UNIT This course is designed to introduce students to core management concepts.  The experience includes how managers plan, organize, staff, and direct the business’s resources that enhance the effectiveness of the decision-making process.  Also, the experience includes students working through ethical dilemmas and problem-solving situations with customer service while academic and critical-thinking skills.

    BUSINESS MANAGEMENT II HONORS 1 UNIT This course is designed to enable students to acquire, understand, and appreciate the significance of management to business organizations.  Understanding how managers control financial resources, inventory, ensure employee safety, and protect customer data enhances the effectiveness of their decision-making.  Students will work through ethical dilemmas, practice problem solving, and enhance their teamwork skills. 

    ENTREPRENEURSHIP I HONORS 1 UNIT Students will have the opportunity to study entrepreneurial concepts at an accelerated pace with increased rigor. Students will evaluate the concepts of growing their own businesses or operating a small business and review feasible ideas of products/services, research procedures, business financing, marketing strategies, and resources for starting a small business.  Students will develop the components of a business plan and evaluate startup requirements. 

    ENTREPRENEURSHIP II HONORS 1 UNIT In this course, students develop an understanding of pertinent decisions to be made after obtaining financing to open a small business. Students acquire an in-depth understanding of business regulations, risks, management, and marketing. Students develop a small-business management handbook. 

    ACCOUNTING I 1 Unit This course is designed to help students understand the basic principles of the accounting cycle. Emphasis is placed on the analysis and recording of business transactions, preparation, and interpretation of financial statements, accounting systems, banking and payroll activities, basic types of business ownership, and an accounting career orientation. Mathematical standards are reinforced and entrepreneurial experiences are encouraged. 

    ACCOUNTING II 1 Unit This course is designed to provide students with an opportunity to develop in-depth knowledge of accounting procedures and techniques utilized in solving business problems and making financial decisions. Emphasis includes departmental accounting, corporate accounting, cost accounting, and inventory control systems, managerial accounting and budgeting, and further enhancement of accounting skills. Mathematics is reinforced and entrepreneurial experiences are encouraged.

    MICROSOFT EXCEL HONORS 1 UNIT This class is designed to prepare students for successful completion of the Microsoft Office Specialist Excel Core and Excel Expert exams. They will know and demonstrate the correct application of the principal spreadsheet features of Excel. Candidates will create and edit a workbook with multiple sheets and use a graphic element to represent data visually. Workbook examples include professional-looking budgets, financial statements, team performance charts, sales invoices, and data-entry logs. Career possibilities may include accountants, financial analysts, data analysts, commercial bankers, and others. 

    DRAFTING I 1 UNIT In this entry-level course, students are introduced to tools used to effectively communicate ideas and concepts found in architecture, manufacturing, engineering, science, and mathematics. Topics include the fundamentals of manual drawing-board drafting techniques, sketching, geometry, and geometric construction drawings. Students will learn the basics of simple and complex techniques used in 2-D and 3-D computer-aided drafting (CAD), while developing basic leadership skills and goal-setting strategies. This course incorporates Autodesk Digital science, technology, engineering, art, math (S.T.E.A.M.) Curriculum and will help prepare students for the Autodesk Certified User certification in AutoCAD. 

    COMPUTER SCIENCE PRINCIPLES I 1 UNIT Computer Science Principles is designed to introduce students to the creative aspects of programming, abstractions, algorithms, large data sets, the internet, cybersecurity concerns, and computing impacts. AP Computer Science Principles also gives students the opportunity to use current technologies to create computational artifacts for both self-expression and problem-solving. This course is meant to be the equivalent of an introductory college course in Computer Science. 

    COMPUTER SCIENCE PRINCIPLES II 1 UNIT This is a second-level introductory course in computer science (based on The Beauty and Joy of Computing) that builds on the foundation of Computer Science Principles I. This course offers a more in-depth examination of the “big CS ideas” including a broad range of foundational topics such as programming, algorithms, the internet, big data, digital privacy and security, and the societal impacts of computing. Emphasis is placed on problem-solving, communication, creativity, and exploring the impacts of computing on how we think, communicate, work, and play. Students will extend their programming skills to conclude more complex constructs including objects and data abstraction. 

    ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY I 1 UNIT This course prepares students to understand and apply technological concepts and processes that are the cornerstone of today's designed world. Students will study the nature of technology, the impacts of technology and the multiple technological systems that affect daily living. Students will engage in small group and individual activities where they develop innovations, design, fabricate and engineer practical solutions to a variety of problems. Technology content, resources, and lab activities will enable students to apply science, mathematics, and other subject areas in authentic situations while reinforcing problem-solving and critical thinking skills. 

    ENGINEERING TECHNOLOGY II 1 UNIT This course second-level course explores important fundamentals in the field of engineering.  Students will learn the technology and engineering concepts that are necessary to turn their ideas into solutions that will improve everyday life.  Exciting hands-on learning activities involving electricity, electromagnetism, design and modeling, and fluid power are just a few of the ways to make learning science and math engaging and fun! Problem-solving and critical thinking skills will be a focus and reinforced with project-based learning. 

    FOUNDATION OF HEALTH SCIENCE 1 UNIT This course is designed to assist potential health care workers in their role and function as health team members. Topics include medical terminology, the history of health care, healthcare agencies, ethics, legal responsibilities, health careers, holistic health, health care trends, cultural awareness, communication, medical math, leadership, and career decision making. 

    HEALTH SCIENCE I HONORS 1 UNIT This course focuses on human anatomy, physiology, human body diseases and disorders, and biomedical therapies. Students will learn about healthcare careers within the context of human bod systems. Projects, teamwork, and demonstrations serve as instructional strategies that reinforce the curriculum content. 

    HEALTH SCIENCE II HONORS 1 UNIT This course is designed to help students expand their understanding of financing and trends of healthcare agencies, fundamentals of wellness, legal and ethical issues, concepts of teamwork, and effective communication.  Students will learn health care skills, including current CPR and first aid training for healthcare professionals. 

    CHILD DEVELOPMENT 1 UNIT This course introduces students to responsible nurturing and basic applications of child development theory.  The course emphasizes the parent’s responsibilities and the influences they have on children while providing care and guidance.  Students will gain an understanding of the physical, emotional, social and intellectual changes in the family, beginning with pregnancy and continuing through the school-aged child. 

    EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION I 1 UNIT Through hands-on experiences, students will learn about the process of teaching and learning. They will study the developmental stages of children from birth through age eight. Because they intern in early childhood centers that must meet NC Child Care General Statute 110.91, Section 8, students must be 16 years of age prior to October 1 to enroll in this course.  Students are required to develop age-appropriate lesson plans and present these lesson plans to their fellow students for evaluation and to the children reenrolled in the childcare centers and elementary schools. 

    EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION II HONORS 1 UNIT This course continues the instruction begun in Early Childhood Education I and includes advanced studies of early childhood, birth through age eight.  Students will receive instruction in childcare pertaining to teaching methods, career development, program planning and management, health and safety issues, entrepreneurship skills, and technology. Students will complete extensive, in-depth assignments, including research, reflective practice, analytical thinking, and technology skills to enhance studies, extend research, and assist them in professionally displaying their work. 

    NAVAL SCIENCE I Grade Level: 9, 10, 11, 12 1 UNIT This course provides an introduction to the meaning of citizenship, elements of leadership, and the value of scholarship in attaining life goals. Students will gain an appreciation for America’s heritage and traditions and the recognition that the historically significant role of sea power will be important in America's future. Students will develop a sense of pride in his/her organization, associates, and self through military drills and ceremonies; wearing the uniform; physical fitness; and the principles of health, first aid, and survival. 

    HONORS NAVAL SCIENCE V HONORS Grade Level: 10, 11, 12 1 UNIT Prerequisite: Naval Science I, II, III, or IV This course focuses on advanced drill, advanced fitness, and the study and preparation of honors and ceremonies, and it emphasizes service learning. Students must have concurrent registration in Naval Science 2, 3, or 4; be active participants with an NJROTC team; and have permission from an instructor.

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