- Northeast Guilford High School
- Enrollment Information
New Student Enrollment Information
Registration is currently done through Schoolmint. See more information here.
The legal parent(s) or court-appointed guardian must register their student. If the person enrolling the student is a court-appointed guardian, the document must be a court document signed by a Judge. We cannot accept notarized paperwork.
Stop by the counseling office to pick up an enrollment packet.
Once all required pieces are complete, call to make an appointment to finalize the enrollment with a school counselor.
Please bring the following items when registering your student at Northeast Guilford High School:
Birth Certificate
Parents Driver’s License*
Current original utility bill (Duke Power, Gas or Water Bill)*
Transcript and Final Report Card
Copy of IEP/504 if applicable
*All items must have the address for which you are registering with
Please verify your current address on the school assignment locator website to be sure you are registering at the correct school. http://schoolassignmentlocator.gcsnc.com/