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Welcome from Mrs. Dalton, our School Library Media Specialist
Welcome to the Oak Ridge Library Media Center. I'm Christie Dalton, and I love being the library media specialist at Oak Ridge. After spending more than 20 years in the elementary classroom, I was thrilled to move into the library. I received my undergraduate degree in Elementary Education from Appalachian State, and I have a master's degree in K-12 Reading Education as well as a master's degree in Library and Information Science. I became a National Board Certified Teacher in 2002, and re-certified in 2012 and 2022. At home, my husband and I have two amazing sons and two beautiful Goldendoodles. Life is busy but fun!
Mission Statement
The Oak Ridge Elementary Library Media Center seeks to create a 21st century environment that promotes learning for all students by providing equitable access to information, teaching information literacy skills, and encouraging lifelong learning. The library media center strives to be a center of collaborative learning that produces creative students who have an appreciation of literature, critical thinking skills, and a respect for others and self. The library will support the curriculum by collaborating with teachers, developing a collection that is representative of the community, and delivering literacy instruction to all students.
Library Policies
Here are some important things to know about our Library Media Center:
How often do students visit the library?
At Oak Ridge, we believe that every day is library day! Students come to the library during their scheduled weekly library media classes for lessons and check out. In addition, students may check out books daily during open circulation each morning from 7:00 until 7:30 am. Students must check in with their classroom teacher prior to coming to the library in the mornings, and they must bring their One Cards for quick and easy check out.
How many books may be checked out at a time?
Kindergarten - 1 book
First Grade - 1 book, following Winter Break 2 books
Second Grade - 2 books
Third Grade - 3 books
Fourth and Fifth Grade - unlimited books as long as the student has no overdue books.
When are books returned to the library?
Students may keep borrowed library books for two weeks. After that time, all books are considered overdue by our computer system. Students may return books to the library at their regular library class time or throughout the day. Students should put the books in the purple return cart beside the circulation desk, or in the basket in the hallway outside of the media center.
Students will receive an overdue notice each month beginning in mid-October. Our library does not charge fees for overdue books; however, please remember other students may be waiting to borrow the same book. Please be respectful and return books on time. Students are expected to return overdue books before checking out new ones.
If a student receives an overdue notice and thinks the book was turned in, please send me a note and I will check the shelves. I normally ask the student to check in his/her desk, cubby, classroom and at home. Also, be sure to check the date on the overdue notice to make sure it is a current notice.
Can books be renewed or kept for more than 2 weeks?
Yes! If a student would like to renew a book, the book must be brought to the library to be scanned in order to renew it for another two weeks.
Can books be placed on hold?
Yes, students may place books on hold by logging in to Destiny from any computer by going to https://gcsnc.follettdestiny.com/. Students will need their Powerschool number to use as their username, and their password which is their 8-digit birthdate. Holds may only be placed on books that are currently checked out. Ebooks may also be checked out from Destiny.
What if a book is lost or damaged?
Accidents happen! If a book is damaged, please send it back to school with a note. Please do not try to repair the book on your own, as we have mending materials in the library to try to fix repairs. If the book can be repaired, it will be returned to the shelf. If the book cannot be repaired, a notice with the price of the book will be sent home with the student. If this presents a financial hardship for your family, please reach out to Mrs. Dalton.
If a book is lost and you have checked everywhere you can think of to check, please let Mrs. Dalton know so we can check the library shelves as sometimes students place books back on the shelves before checking them back in. Also be sure to ask your child to thoroughly check their classroom desk and cubby, and let the teacher know so he/she can check classroom bookshelves. Once the book is determined to be truly lost, you will receive a notice from the library indicating the cost of the book. Checks should be made out to Oak Ridge Elementary School. Due to school policy, we cannot issue refunds once a book is paid for so please look everywhere! I suggest looking for the book in all those special places, such as under the bed, in the closet, on bookshelves at home, etc., before paying for the book. In lieu of payment, a brand new book of the exact title and format may be given in place of the lost book. For example, if the lost book is a hardback copy of Bad Kitty, the book replacement must be a hardback or library-bound copy of Bad Kitty. If paying for lost books presents a hardship for your family, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Dalton at daltonc@gcsnc.com.
How are library books selected?
Our library media collection exists to support our curriculum and meet the leisure reading needs and interests of our students. All selections are guided by GCS School Board Policy 3200-R. Our media specialist and MTAC (Media and Technology Advisory) committee updates our collection development plan annually. Staff and student requests for collection additions can be made by in person or by emailing Mrs. Dalton at daltonc@gcsnc.com.
Do you accept book donations?
Oak Ridge Elementary's MTAC Committee has established the guidelines below for receiving library donations and gifts:
Gifts and donations to the school library are accepted with the understanding that the decision for use and disposition of the materials and/or funds will be determined using the same selection criteria as purchased materials (GCS Board Policy 3200-R). All materials should support the curriculum and needs of library users. Gifts and donations, like purchased resources, will be removed from the collection at the end of their useful life. Books must be age-appropriate, in excellent condition, and hardback or library binding is preferred. We reserve the right to use books in the way we deem best for the school. This means that your donation could be placed in our collection or in classrooms, but it could also be used as a prize or passed along to another school or organization. We accept monetary donations which we will use to purchase needed resources for our collection. Checks can be made payble to Oak Ridge Elementary School. Donors who are interested in buying new books for our collection should check with Mrs. Dalton for suggestions before making a purchase.
Can I place a book in the library in honor or memory of someone?
This is a wonderful, easy way to support our library while recognizing special people in your life! Ideas include: birthdays, births, anniversaries, retirements, deaths, volunteer service, and more. You can select the title or have Mrs. Dalton select it for you. Please contact her for more information.
Does the library need volunteers?
Yes, we love volunteers! All volunteers need to be approved by GCS prior to volunteering. Please reach out to Mrs. Dalton to express your interest in becoming a library volunteer.

Destiny - ORE Online Library Catalog (username is OneCard/Powerschool number and password is birthday MMDDYYYY)
Click here to check out an eBook (username is OneCard/Powerschool number and password is birthday MMDDYYYY)
PebbleGo (username:oakr password:school)
PebbleGo Next (username:oakr password:school)
NC Kids Digital Library Select Greensboro (Library card number: GCS+OneCard/Powerschool number ex:GCS98765 PIN: birth month & year in format MMYY)
Greensboro Public Library (Library card number: GCS+OneCard/Powerschool number ex:GCS98765 PIN: birth month & year in format MMYY)
Discovery Education (username is OneCard/Powerschool number and password is birthday MMDDYYYY)