
    What is Service-Learning?

    A way of teaching and learning that connects positive and meaningful action in the community with academic learning, personal growth and civic responsibility. Service-Learning helps develop citizenship and good character while providing direct connections to the academic curriculum. Service-Learning experiences allow students to apply their Social and Emotional skills into action.




    Service Learning: Recognition


    Hours needed for SL Honors

    Hours needed for

    SL Exemplary Award

    Hours needed for

    SL Diploma







     *These guidelines do not apply to OCS/Adaptive Students

  • Important Details ...


    Hours must be submitted within the semester that they are completed. Hours completed from June-December must be entered into x2vol by the end of December. Hours completed from January-May must be entered by the end of May.

    SL Approval Forms (Personal Projects) must be submitted within the semester that service is started with the organization and should be submitted prior to beginning service.

    School Approved Service-Learning - Please look under "Find Opportunities." If you do not see a school approved opportunity, see your volunteer contact person or Ms. Lindsay, Service Learning Advisor.

  • "You must be the change you want to see in the world." ~ Gandhi