• Services to Students

  • School Counselors


    Tracey Meekins: meekint@gcsnc.com (Student Last names A-L)

          Office: (336) 378-8280 ext: 1201

          Cell: (336) 612-1655


    Ms. Courtney Shepherd: shephec@gcsnc.com   (Student Last names M-Z)

         Office: (336) 378-8280 ext: 1203

          Cell: (336) 505-8963


    Follow us on Instagram Icon for the Instagram application

  • What We Do:

    As school counselors...

    We provide a comprehensive school counseling program that improves student achievement and enhances the academic, career, and personal/social development of all students.
    The comprehensive school counseling program is delivered through classroom guidance lessons, individual student planning sessions, and individual and group counseling.  School counselors collaborate with parents, teachers, administrators, and other school staff to promote student success.  School counselors also provide leadership and advocacy to promote equity and access to opportunities and rigorous educational experiences for all students.

    Examples of Services We Provide:

    Guidance Curriculum -Some examples of guidance lessons we provide might include:

    • Anti-Bullying-
      Planning for the Future 


    • Students are also able to participate in counseling groups. 
    • Groups focus on topics that several students are experiencing and can be a great way for students to relate to others while addressing an area of concern.
    • Other topics for guidance and groups include: academic skills support, peer relationships and communicating, conflict resolution, multicultural/diversity awareness Individual Student


    • We offer one on one for students seeking support
      Topics might include: goal-setting, academic planning and assistance, career planning, education in understanding self and others, or school transition planning

    Responsive Services

    • referrals to outside agencies
      individual and group counseling
      crisis intervention with individuals, families, and school crisis

    Systems support

    • collaborating with staff, parents, and community members
      member of the school's student services team along with our school social worker, school psychologist, and assistant principal.


    All of our meetings and interactions with students are confidential.  However, safety is our greatest priority and if a student is being harmed, or harming others we must break this confidentiality to make sure all students are safe.

  • Monthly Character Traits

    August & September
    Responsibility Being dependable in carrying out obligations and duties. Showing reliability and consistency in words and conduct. Being accountable for your own actions. Being committed to active involvement in your school and community.

    Respect Showing high regard for other people, for self, for property, and for the country. Understanding that all people have value as human beings.

    November & December
    Kindness Being considerate, courteous, helpful, and understanding of others. Showing care, compassion, friendship, and generosity. Treating others as you would like to be treated.

    January & February
    Courage Having the determination to do the right thing even when others don't. Having the strength to follow your conscience rather than the crowd. Attempting difficult things that are worthwhile.


    Integrity Having the inner strength to be truthful, trustworthy, and honest in all things. Acting justly and honorably.

    Self-Discipline Demonstrating hard work and commitment to purpose. Regulating yourself for improvement and restraining from inappropriate behaviors. Being in proper control of your words, actions, impulses, and desires. Doing your best in all situations.

    May & June
    Perseverance Being persistent in the pursuit of worth objectives in spite of difficulty, opposition or discouragement. Exhibiting patience and having the determination and strength to try again when confronted with delays, mistakes and failures.

  • Hairston Middle: Counseling Referral Process

    Counseling Referral Process


    A referral is made to the School Counselors (Ms. Meekins and Mrs. Shepherd) when concern for a student arises.  Possible sources of referrals may include self-referral by students experiencing a problem, concerned peers, parent(s)/guardian(s), teachers, administrators, and/or other school personnel.  Emergency interventions are required in those situations that need immediate attention, (e.g., peer concern about the personal safety of another student, death of a pet or family member, physical and/or sexual abuse).  The School Counselor may determine that other resources would be appropriate, including referral to other individuals within the school system, such as the school administrator, school nurse, or social worker.  An outside referral may be necessary when an issue presented is beyond the scope, training, and/or expertise of school district personnel.  In the case of suspected abuse or neglect, the School Counselors and Social Worker has a legal mandate to make a Child Protected Services hotline call.


    Students / Teachers: Steps required to see the school counselor: 

    1.      It is important that you complete this referral form before arriving to the counselor office.

    2.      Click on you school counselor to complete the referral form. You must enter your lunch # @gcsnc.com in order to log in to access the referral form.  If that does not work, enter lunch # @stu.gcsnc.com. â€‹It is important that you click the name of your counselor.  

    ​Ms. Meekins : Student Last names (A-L)

    Mrs Shepherd: Student Last names (M-Z)


     Hairston Middle School Student Services advocate, collaborate, motivate, and encourage students for success. 



    High School Options




    Guilford County Schools Soar to Greatness Image



    Are you interested in going to a Magnet High School?

    Guilford County has many options for you!  See below for additional information.



    Click HERE for more information about Magnet Schools procedures and applications.

    Click HERE for information about High School Options Programs.  Mrs. Reid and Ms. Meekins will be talking to the 8th grade students about these options.



    GCS Graduate Picture

  • Bullying Information

    What is Bullying? 

    Bullying is an ongoing act that is done on purpose and that gives power to the person bullying while taking it away from the victim.

    Individuals Involved in Bullying:

    • The person demonstrating problem behavior: They can be anyone who uses physical, verbal, cyber or relational means to hurt others
    • The Victim: They can be any age, race, size or socio-economic status. These are usually children who have low self-confidence, may be different in some way, and may seem sad or depressed to their classmates. 
    • The Bystander: They can be the most important of all because they have the choice to either encourage or stop the problem behavior they see happening. Bystanders may choose to watch or even encourage the behavior. They can also to help by saying stop or getting adult help.

    Types of Bullying:

    • Physical Bullying: Physical bullying can include pushing, hitting, kicking fighting, and any other kind of physical abuse. It is also the most visible form of bullying.
    • Verbal Bullying: The old adage, “Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me” is simply not true. Words do hurt. Verbal bullying can include name calling, yelling, teasing, insulting, and threatening. 
    • Relational Bullying: Relational bullying includes ignoring, spreading rumors, excluding, telling lies, and getting others to hurt someone.
    • Cyber-bullying: Cyber-bullying can involve sending or posting hurtful, embarrassing or threatening messages through text, email, or social websites (such as Facebook). Cyber-bullying is especially dangerous because it has the potential to reach large numbers of people.

    If you or someone you know is the victim of Bullying, please report it on the counseling referral.

  • Bullying Survey


    Please click HERE to complete the Bullying Survey