- Johnson Street Global Studies
- School Leadership Information
School Leadership Information
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School Leadership Information
The Johnson Street Global Studies School Improvement and Leadership Team is an essential component of the decision-making process at Johnson Street Global Studies. The Leadership Team works collaboratively to address the following:
- Provide vision and direction in relation to curriculum and student achievement.
- Assist the Principal in the decision-making process.
- Identify school-wide needs and brainstorm solutions.
- Develop, implement and update the School Improvement Plan.
- Develop, implement and update the Title 1 Plan.
- The Leadership Team will meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 3:00 in the media center during special called meetings, as needed.
- Minutes from School Leadership Team meetings can be viewed using the Indistar login below.
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Username: GuestS16379
Password: GuestS16379
Click here to view the School Improvement Plan
Johnson Street Global Studies 2024-2025 School-Based Leadership Team
- Kimberly Scott, Principal
- Chris Shafer, Assistant Principal
- Drew Tonozzi, Leadership Chair, Media Specialist
- Eric Welder, SLT Secretary, 8th Grade (Middle School Representative)
- Davida Busari, Parent Representative
- Kiara Lamb, 1st Grade (Elementary Representative)
- Allison Buniva, Data Manager (Classified Representative)
- Chelsea Coalter, Art (Specialist Representative)
- Natosha Meredith, SLT Timekeeper, Guidance
- Valerie Bonde, Exceptional Children Representative (EC Representative)
- Rhonda McGoogan, Curriculum Facilitator
- Paulette Fletcher, Multi-Classroom Leader
The School Based Leadership Team will meet the first Tuesday of each month in the Media Center from 3:00 to 4:00 pm or virtually as needed. All parents are invited to attend these open meetings.