Battle of the Books Information

  • What is Battle of the Books?

    Battle of the Books (BOB) is state-wide competition among schools, beginning for us at the county level. Students compete in teams of 12 (6 students at a time) against other teams in a quiz-bowl style competition answering questions about the books on the designated list. 

    The goal of the BOB competition is to encourage reading and expose students to a variety of quality literature. The game format allows for more interest and excitement while students improve reading skills and broaden their knowledge base and reading choices. Although this is a serious competition, the goal is to have fun and read, not necessarily to win!

    Johnson Street has two Battle of the Books teams, one for elementary students in grades 4 & 5 and one for middle school students in grades 6-8. You can find the book lists below.

    Due to health and safety precautions, this year's GCS competition will be held virtually.


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