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Guilford Parent Academy - Parent Portal Information
The Guilford Parent Academy's hub for Powerschool Parent Portal information and set-up.
Powerschool Parent Portal
GCS has created a website that will allow parents/students to log on and retrieve their user credentials by entering the following information:
- Parent or Students First and Last Name
- Home Phone (as listed with the school)
- Student’s ID Number
- Email address where they wish to have their credentials delivered
Canvas for Parents
Direct link to Canvas for Parents login. Setting up a Parent account for Canvas can be found through this link: Canvas for Parents.
Weekly Announcements 1/27/25
Posted by Aislynn Denny on 1/27/2025Good evening Tiger Families, this is Principal Chase Arrington at Western Guilford Middle School bringing you announcements for the week of Monday, January 27th – Friday, January 31st.
We are at the end of the first month in 2025.
Important Message for our 6th Grade Parents:
Ms. Kouba will be out of the building with limited access to her cell phone and email until February 5th. She will return to Tiger Nation Thursday, February 6th. We have two former principals returning to Tiger Nation to support 6th grade in her absence. Please welcome Ms. Melinda Mayhew and Ms. Lisa Jordan to Tiger Nation. If you have questions or need support for 6th grade, you can reach out to them via email at mayhewm@gcsnc.com or jordanl6@gcsnc.com.
Monday, January 27th is a teacher’s workday for Guilford County Schools. There is no school for students. Staff will be in various workshops and professional developments throughout the day. Please allow at least 24 hours for staff to respond to emails or phone calls.
NCSSM Girls Who Code is excited to offer a free online program for middle school students interested in learning how to code in python. Participants will be mentored by students at the North Carolina School of Science and Mathematics with a strong computer science background. The camp will run every Tuesday and Thursday from February 11th to March 11th between 5-6 PM. Please fill out the registration form below if you are interested and we will contact you in the coming weeks with more details!
- On Tuesday, January 28th our basketball teams will travel to Northeast Middle for the boys game at 4:45pm and the girls game will start approximately at 6pm.
- On Tuesday, January 28th our wrestling team will host Northeast Middle for their match at 5pm.
- On Thursday, January 30th our basketball teams will travel to Mendenhall for the boys game at 4:45pm and the girls game will start approximately at 6pm.
- On Thursday, January 30th our wrestling team will host Mendenhall Middle for their match at 5pm.
- Wednesday, January 29th our students in Math 7, Math 8, and Math 1 will take their Quarter 2 Interim Assessments to figure out mastery of Quarter 2 standards and concepts.
- Friday, January 29th Grades 6th – 8th will complete their Winter NWEA MAP Reading Assessment to show the growth students made with skills needed to access their grade level material.
Tuesday, January 28th at 4pm, we will have our monthly School Leadership Meeting in the media center. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your child’s grade level parent representative found at the link below:
Thank you Tiger Nation! Have a Wonderful Week!
Hello Tiger Families, this is Principal Arrington, bringing you an exciting update from our Tiger News Crew.
The Tiger News Crew will meet during each grade level’s first encore period for the rest of the school year. During this time, students will work as a team under the guidance of Ms. Denny, our media specialist, to produce the WGMS morning show that will air three times a week.
Students will write the scripts, create the credits/title cards, edit the videos, and anchor the show. Students will also learn filming techniques, media literacy, and journalism ethics.
Students will receive quarterly and semester grades. If your child is interested in enrolling in this class, please complete the interest survey.
The survey will close at the end of the day, Tuesday 1/28.
Thank you Tiger Nation! Have a wonderful day!
Tiger Families,
This is an email to provide a correction to the Sunday Night ConnectEd with Testing.
Wednesday, January 29th - 7th Grade Math, 8th Grade Math, and Math 1 will take their Quarter 2 Interim Assessments.
Friday, January 31st, Grades 6-8 will take the Winter NWEA MAP Reading Assessment.
The previous call had "Friday, January 29th". My apologies for the error. Please accept this as the updated assessment dates for the week of January 27th - Friday, January 31st.
Have a wonderful day!
Weekly Announcements 1/20/25
Posted by Aislynn Denny on 1/20/2025Good evening Tiger Nation! This is Principal Arrington at Western Guilford Middle School bringing you announcements for the week of Monday, January 20th – Friday, January 24th.
MLK Holiday:
On Monday we will celebrate the birthday of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Although we celebrate on the 3rd Monday of each month, his actual date of birth is January 15. Dr. King was a visionary leader and advocate for equality who spearheaded the civil rights movement in America through nonviolent protests. As the youngest person to ever receive the Nobel Peace Prize, Dr. King is widely regarded as America's pre-eminent advocate of nonviolence and one of the greatest nonviolent leaders in world history. GCS will be closed for students and staff in honor of Dr. King’s birthday and contributions to society.
Students must bring tablets back to school each time we distribute them for the possibility of Remote Learning.
- Wednesday, January 22nd 7th Grade Math, 8th Grade Math, and Math 1 will take their Quarter 2 Interim Assessments.
- Friday, January 24th, 8th Grade Science will take their Quarter 2 Interim Assessments.
Please have students arrive on time so we can begin promptly at 8:50am.
We will have our January PTA Meeting on Tuesday, January 21st at 5:30pm in the media center. Please come to the main office area for entry to the school.
- Tuesday, January 21st girls and boys basketball will host Allen Middle at 4:45pm.
- Tuesday, January 21st the wrestling team will travel to Allen for their match starting at 5pm
- Thursday, January 23rd girls and boys basketball will host Hairston Middle with games starting at 4:45pm.
- Thursday, January 23rd our wrestling team will travel to Hairston Middle for their match at 5pm.
Please come out and support your Tiger Athletics.
- Friday, January 24th is the end of Quarter 2 and the end of Semester 1. School is closed to students Monday, January 27th for teachers to complete Quarter 2 and Semester 1 grades.
- Those students in semester long encore classes will receive new encore classes Tuesday, January 28th. We will review new schedules with students next week.
- If students are in orchestra, band, chorus, ESL, 7th or 8th Grade Spanish, they will remain in their same encore classes for 2nd semester and receive only one new class.
Students will receive Report Cards on Wednesday, February 5th at dismissal. You can continue to check your child’s progress via Parent Portal and Canvas. If you need aid with logging into either platform, please contact the school and we will provide support.
Thank you Tiger Nation! Have a wonderful week!
Weekly Announcements 12/16/24
Posted by Aislynn Denny on 12/16/2024Good Evening, Tiger Nation! This is Principal Chase Arrington bringing you announcements for the week of Monday, December 16th – Friday, December 20th.
It is really the most wonderful time of the year! We hope the students enjoyed seeing their teachers and staff complete our first underground spirit week. Staff had an opportunity to build culture with different themes each day. Students started to look forward to each day’s theme.
Quarter 2 Interim Reports:
Quarter 2 Interim Reports should have been signed and returned by Friday, December 13th. Teachers will begin communicating with parents this week if students have not returned Interim Reports. If you did not receive your child’s interim report, you can reply to the email or Remind Message.
We will have a Winter Spirit Week December 16th – December 20th. The flier is attached for your convenience.
Monday, Dec. 16th – Winter Blizzard Day wear all white and any antler ears
Tuesday, Dec. 17th – Too Festive Tuesday, wear red, green, or anything bright/shiny
Wednesday, Dec. 18th – Ugly Sweater Day; show off that favorite, ugly sweater
Thursday, Dec. 19th – Holiday Character Day; dress like your favorite holiday character
Friday, Dec. 20th – Cozy Pajama Day; wear your favorite winter pajamas
Students are not allowed to wear slides, slippers, bedroom shoes, or offensive writing on clothes.SCHOOL LEADERSHIP TEAM MEETING:
The School Leadership Team will meet Tuesday, December 17th from 4pm – 6pm. If you have questions or concerns, please reach out to your parent representative for your child’s grade level. This is found on the school’s website.
Monday, December 16th our Girls/Boys Basketball Teams will host Northeast Middle with the girls starting at 4:45pm and the boys starting approximately at 6pm.
Monday, December 16th our Wrestling team will travel to Northeast Middle for their match at 5pm.
Thursday, December 19th our Girls/Boys Basketball Teams will host Mendenhall Middle with the girls starting at 4:45pm and boys starting approximately at 6pm.
Thursday, December 19th our Wrestling Team will travel to Mendenhall Middle for their match at 5pm.
WINTER FROSTY GRAMS:The Student Council will be selling Winter Frosty Grams during morning arrival ONLY through Thursday, Dec. 19, 2024. Cost: $1. Students and staff can send a warm, thoughtful message to a peer or teacher. The Student Council will deliver grams to homerooms by the end of day for students to receive the next morning. This is cash only.
Come out and support the WGMS’s Chorus, Orchestra, and Band Programs on the following dates:
Tuesday, December 17th – Chorus and Orchestra
Wednesday, December 18th – Band
Performers should arrive by 5:45pm.Performances will begin promptly at 6:30pm. Come out and support our musical talent in Tiger Nation!
Thank you, Tiger Nation! Have a wonderful week! Please stay warm!
Rising 9th Grade Virtual Meeting
¡Buenas Noches Tiger Nation! Este es un mensaje del director Chase Arrington, trayendo los anuncios para la semana del Lunes 16 al Viernes 20 de Diciembre.
¡Es realmente la época más maravillosa del año! Esperamos que los estudiantes hayan disfrutado viendo a sus maestros y personal completar nuestra primera semana de espíritu underground. El personal tuvo la oportunidad de crear una cultura con diferentes temas cada día. Los estudiantes comenzaron a esperar con ansias el tema de cada día.
Informes intermedios del Segundo Trimestre:
Los informes intermedios del trimestre 2 deberían haber sido firmados y devueltos antes del Viernes 13 de Diciembre. Los maestros comenzarán a comunicarse con los padres esta semana si los estudiantes no han devuelto los informes provisionales. Si no recibió el informe provisional de su hijo, puede responder al correo electrónico o al mensaje de recordatorio.
Tendremos una Semana del Espíritu Invernal del 16 al 20 de Diciembre. El folleto se adjunta para su comodidad.
Lunes, 16 de Diciembre - Día de la Tormenta de Nieve de Invierno, use todo de blanco y las orejas de asta
Martes, 17 de Diciembre - Demasiado festivo Martes, vístete de rojo, verde o cualquier cosa brillante / brillante
Miércoles, 18 de Diciembre – Día del Suéter Feo; Muestra ese suéter feo favorito
Jueves, 19 de Diciembre – Día del Carácter Festivo; Vístete como tu personaje favorito de las fiestas
Viernes, 20 de Diciembre – Día del Pijama Acogedor; Usa tu pijama de invierno favorito
Los estudiantes no pueden usar chanclas, pantuflas, zapatos de dormitorio o letras ofensivas en la ropa.REUNIÓN DEL EQUIPO DE LIDERAZGO ESCOLAR:
El Equipo de Liderazgo Escolar se reunirá el Martes 17 de Diciembre de 4 a 6 p.m. Si tiene preguntas o inquietudes, comuníquese con su representante de padres para conocer el nivel de grado de su hijo. Esto se encuentra en el sitio web de la escuela.
El Lunes 16 de Diciembre, nuestros equipos de Baloncesto Femenino / Masculino recibirán a Northeast Middle y las niñas comenzando a las 4:45 p.m. y los niños comenzando aproximadamente a las 6 p.m.
El Lunes 16 de Diciembre nuestro equipo de Lucha Libre viajará a Northeast Middle para su combate a las 5 pm.
El Jueves 19 de Diciembre, nuestros equipos de Baloncesto Femenino / Masculino recibirán a Mendenhall Middle en casa con las niñas a partir de las 4:45 p.m. y los niños a partir de las 6 p.m. aproximadamente.
El Jueves 19 de Diciembre, nuestro equipo de Lucha Viajará a Mendenhall Middle para su combate a las 5 pm.
FROSTY GRAMS DE INVIERNO:El Consejo Estudiantil venderá Winter Frosty Grams durante la llegada matutina SOLO hasta el Jueves 19 de Diciembre de 2024.  Costo: $1.  Los estudiantes y el personal pueden enviar un mensaje cálido y reflexivo a un compañero o maestro.  El Consejo Estudiantil entregará gramos a las aulas al final del día para que los estudiantes los reciban a la mañana siguiente.  Esto es solo en efectivo.
Venga y apoye los programas de coro, orquesta y banda de WGMS en las siguientes fechas:
Martes 17 de Diciembre – Coro y Orquesta
Miércoles 18 de Diciembre – Banda
Los artistas deben llegar antes de las 5:45 p.m.Las funciones comenzarán puntualmente a las 6:30 p.m. ¡Ven y apoya nuestro talento musical en Tiger Nation!
¡Gracias, TIGER NATION! ¡Que tengan una semana maravillosa! ¡Por favor, manténganse abrigados!
Weekly Announcements 11/25/2024
Posted by Aislynn Denny on 11/25/2024Good Evening Tiger Families! This is Principal Chase Arrington at Western Guilford Middle School bringing you announcements for the week of Monday, November 25th – Friday, November 29th.
As we approach our Thanksgiving Holiday Break, we would like students to identify one thing they can say they are thankful for during this season. They will have an opportunity to share this on Tuesday, November 26th. The link will be posted on their Canvas page. All students who share will have their name entered into a drawing for a special prize from Student Support Services!
Students have asked and we are happy to honor their request for a Pajama Day Tuesday, November 26th. Students will be permitted to wear pajama pants. Appropriate onesies are permitted. Tops and bottoms should still follow the dress code. Students are required to wear closed toe shoes. Students are not permitted to wear slides or bedroom slippers.
Parents/Guardians, please return the signed copy of your child’s report card and you will receive the original copy. If you need a copy of your child’s report card, please reply to this email, Remind Message, reach out to the front office, or contact the homeroom teacher.
Drafts of the fall pictures are in, and we will provide these to homeroom teachers to send home with students this week. You will have an access code to text to receive access and ongoing alerts. You can also visit the website listed on the flier. This access is specific to your child only.
There is no school for students and staff Wednesday, November 27th – Friday, November 29th.
We look forward to seeing our Tiger Scholars return Monday, December 2nd, 2024. If you are traveling this holiday or staying in town, I hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday with your family and friends. Tiger Nation is thankful and honored to have the opportunity to share in the education experience of your child.
- Tuesday, December 10th – 2nd Quarter Interim Reports go home to families
- Tuesday, December 10th – Fall Make-Up/Retakes for Picture Day
- December 23 – January 3 Winter Break (No School for Students)
- January 6 – Students return to school from Winter Break
Thank you, Tiger Nation! I hope you have a wonderful and thankful week with your family and friends!
¡Buenas noches familias! Este es un mensaje del director Chase Arrington de la Escuela Western Guilford Middle , trayendo los anuncios para la semana del Lunes 25 al Viernes 29 de Noviembre.
A medida que nos acercamos a nuestras vacaciones de Acción de Gracias, nos gustaría que los estudiantes identifiquen una cosa por la que puedan decir que están agradecidos durante esta temporada. Tendrán la oportunidad de compartir esto el Martes 26 de Noviembre. El enlace se publicará en su página de Canvas. ¡Todos los estudiantes que compartan su nombre participará en un sorteo para un premio especial de los Servicios de Apoyo Estudiantil!
Los estudiantes han pedido y estamos felices de honrar su solicitud de un Día del Pijama el Martes 26 de Noviembre. A los estudiantes se les permitirá usar pantalones de pijama. Se permiten mamelucos apropiados. Las blusas y los pantalones deben seguir el código de vestimenta. Se requiere que los estudiantes usen zapatos cerrados. No se permite que los estudiantes usen chanclas o pantuflas en el dormitorio.
Padres/Tutores, por favor devuelvan la copia firmada de la boleta de calificaciones de su hijo y recibirán la copia original. Si necesita una copia de la boleta de calificaciones de su hijo, responda a este correo electrónico, mensaje de recordatorio, comuníquese con la oficina principal o comuníquese con el maestro de aula.
Las fotos de otoño están listos, y se los proporcionaremos a los maestros para que los envíen a casa con los estudiantes esta semana. Tendrá un código de acceso a un mensaje de texto para recibir acceso y alertas continuas. También puede visitar el sitio web que aparece en el folleto. Este acceso es específico solo para su hijo.
No hay clases para los estudiantes y el personal del Miércoles 27 al Viernes 29 de Noviembre.
Esperamos ver a nuestros Tiger Escolares regresar el Lunes 2 de Diciembre . Si viaja estas vacaciones o se queda en la ciudad, espero que tengan unas vacaciones seguras y agradables con su familia y amigos. Tiger Nation está agradecido y honrado de tener la oportunidad de compartir la experiencia educativa de su hijo.
- Martes, 10 de Diciembre – Los informes intermedios del 2º trimestre van a casa a las familias
- Martes, 10 de Diciembre – Otras Fotos de Otoño / Retomas para el Día de la Foto
- 23 de Diciembre – 3 de Enero Vacaciones de invierno (no hay clases para los estudiantes)
- 6 de Enero - Los estudiantes regresan a la escuela después de las vacaciones de invierno
¡Gracias, Tiger Nation! ¡Espero que tengan una semana maravillosa y agradecida con tu familia y amigos!
Weekly Announcements 11/18/24
Posted by Aislynn Denny on 11/18/2024Good Evening, Tiger Nation! This is Principal Arrington bringing you announcements for the week of Monday, November 18th – Friday, November 22nd.
Thank you to the PTA, volunteers, chaperons, and staff for making our first dance of the year a huge success. Parents, thank you for picking up students in a timely manner. Everyone made this experience for our scholars amazing! Looking forward to our next event!WINTER SPORTS:
Tryouts for Boys’ & Girls’ Basketball and Wrestling will be Monday, November 18th – Wednesday, November 20th immediately after school. Basketball tryouts will end at 5:30pm and Wrestling tryouts will end at 5:45pm.Please check with Coach Sexton or Coach Phillips to ensure you’re eligible to stay for tryouts.
Tuesday, November 19th at 1:30pm, North Carolina A & T State University students will be on campus to partner in a College Fair with 8th graders. Students will hear about the various degrees and have an opportunity to participate in an open question forum with current college students.NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH CELEBRATION:
Guilford Native American Association along with GCS American Indian Education will host Native American Heritage Month Celebration Wednesday, November 20th from 5:30pm – 8pm. The grand entry will begin at 6pm here at Western Guilford Middle School. Please come out and learn about the rich history of Native Americans.CHOICE SCHOOLS APPLICATION WINDOW REMINDERS:
This is a reminder that the application window for Choice Schools closes Friday, November 22nd, 2024. Please reach out to Mr. Ebron if you have any questions.PAJAMA DAY:
Students have requested and we will honor our students’ request with a Pajama Day Tuesday, November 26th, 2024.THANKSGIVING BREAK:
Wednesday, November 27th – Friday, November 30th will be Thanksgiving Break and there will be no school for students and staff.Thank you, Tiger Nation! Have a wonderful week!
Weekly Announcements 10/21/24
Posted by Aislynn Denny on 10/21/2024Good Evening, Tiger Families, this is Principal Chase Arrington bringing you announcements for the week of Monday, October 21st – Friday, October 25th.
WGMS will celebrate Red Ribbon spirit week from Oct. 21-25, 2024. During Red Ribbon week we raise awareness to keep our school drug-free. The attached flier highlights each day’s theme. Students will sign pledges during LB and will receive red ribbon wrist bands during the week. Red Ribbon Spirit Week Posters are visible throughout the school.
- Monday, October 21st is “Twin Day” Friends don’t let friends do drugs!
- Tuesday, October 22nd is “Celebrate Life – Live Drug Free” It is WGMS Picture Day Dress to Impress
- Wednesday, October 23rd is “Follow Your Dreams; Don’t do drugs!” Wear your PJ’s
- Thursday, October 24th is “Red Ribbon Day” Wear red & take the drug free pledge during Lead Block
- Friday, October 25th is “Too Bright to do Drugs!” Wear Neon Colors to represent this year’s theme, “GLOW UP”!
All clothing must follow dress code guidelines except for PJ Day where you are permitted to wear pajamas but no revealing clothing. Students who are inappropriately dressed will be asked to change or go to ISS.
We will have Lifetouch on campus Tuesday, October 22nd for Fall Pictures. Students will take their pictures, without a required purchase. Proofs will be provided to students, and you will have an opportunity to purchase pictures. There will also be a make-up date for any students/staff who are absent. These pictures will be used for our Yearbook.
Friday, October 25th, students will take their Quarter 1 Math Interim Assessments. Please have students arrive on time so we may begin immediately at 8:50am.
Monday, October 21st, Girls’ Soccer and Boys’ Volleyball will travel to Northeast for games starting at 4:45pm.
Wednesday, October 23rd, our football team will host Kernodle Middle for their game starting at 5pm.
Thursday, October 24th our Girls’ Soccer and Boys’ Volleyball teams will travel to Mendenhall for games starting at 4:45pm.
Please come out and support your Tiger Athletics.
We’re excited to announce the WGMS Beta Club's Pink Out & Tackle Breast Cancer fundraiser has begun! This is a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together and make a difference. Starting this week, the Beta Club will be selling wristbands for $3 and tribute ribbons for $1 every Tuesday and Thursday during morning arrival throughout October. This is a cash only fundraiser. All proceeds will go directly to The Breasties Stage 4 Research Fund, supporting metastatic cancer research.
Students, mark your calendars! The Pink Out & Tackle Breast Cancer football game will be Tuesday, October 29th at 5 PM here at Western Guilford Middle School. We encourage everyone to wear PINK and show your support!
Let’s paint it PINK, Tiger Nation! Together, we can tackle breast cancer!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Glenn or Ms. Sultana.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you Tiger Nation! Have a wonderful week!
Buenas Noches Familias de Tiger Nation, este es un mensaje del director Chase Arrington, trayendo anuncios para la Semana del Lunes 21 al Viernes 25 de Octubre.
WGMS celebrará la semana del espíritu del Lazo Rojo del 21 al 25 de Octubre. Durante la semana del Listón Rojo, creamos conciencia para mantener nuestra escuela libre de drogas.  El folleto adjunto destaca el tema de cada día.  Los estudiantes firmarán compromisos durante Lead Block y recibirán pulseras de cinta roja durante la semana. Los carteles de la Semana del Espíritu del Lazo Rojo son visibles en toda la escuela.
- Lunes 21 de Octubre es el "Día de los Gemelos" ¡Los amigos no dejan que los amigos consuman drogas!
- Martes 22 de Octubre es "Celebra la vida - Vive libre de drogas" Es WGMS Picture Day Vistete para impresionar
- Miércoles 23 de Octubre es "Sigue tus sueños; ¡No consumas drogas!" Ponte tu pijama
- Jueves 24 de Octubre es el "Día del Listón Rojo" Vístete de rojo y haz el juramento libre de drogas durante Lead Block
- Viernes 25 de Octubre es "¡Demasiado brillante para consumir drogas!" ¡Usa colores neón para representar el tema de este año, "GLOW UP"!
Toda la ropa debe seguir el código de vestimenta, excepto el Día del Pijama, donde se le permite usar pijamas, pero no ropa reveladora. A los estudiantes que estén vestidos de manera inapropiada se les pedirá que se cambien o vayan a ISS.
El Martes 22 de Octubre, tendremos a Lifetouch en el campus para las Fotos de Otono. Los estudiantes tomarán sus fotografías, sin necesidad de comprarlas. Se proporcionarán pruebas a los estudiantes y tendrá la oportunidad de comprar fotografías. También habrá una fecha de recuperación para cualquier estudiante / personal que esté ausente. Estas imágenes se utilizarán para nuestro Anuario.
El Viernes 25 de Octubre, los estudiantes tomarán sus evaluaciones intermedias de Matemáticas del trimestre 1. Por favor, haga que los estudiantes lleguen a tiempo para que podamos comenzar inmediatamente a las 8:50 am.
- Lunes 21 de Octubre, el Fútbol Femenino y el Voleibol Masculino viajarán al Northeast para los juegos de las 4:45 p.m.
- Miércoles 23 de Octubre, nuestro equipo de Fútbol recibirá a Kernodle Middle para su juego a partir a las 5 pm.
- Jueves 24 de Octubre, nuestros equipos de Fútbol Femenino y Voleibol Masculino viajarán a Mendenhall para los juegos a las 4:45 pm.
Por favor, vengan y apoyen a su Tiger Atleta!
¡Nos complace anunciar que la recaudación de fondos Pink Out & Tackle Breast Cancer del WGMS Beta Club ha comenzado! Esta es una maravillosa oportunidad para que nuestra comunidad escolar se una y marque la diferencia.  A partir de esta semana, el Beta Club venderá pulseras por $3 y cintas tributo por $1 todos los Martes y Jueves durante la hora de llegada durante todo el mes de Octubre. Esta es una recaudación de fondos solo en efectivo. Todas las ganancias se destinarán directamente al Fondo de Investigación de la Etapa 4 de Breasties, que apoya la investigación del cáncer metastásico.
¡Estudiantes, marquen sus calendarios! El partido de Fútbol americano Pink Out & Tackle Breast Cancer será el Martes 29 de Octubre a las 5 p.m. aquí en la Escuela Western Guilford Middle. ¡Animense todos a vestirse de ROSA y mostrar su apoyo!
¡Vamos a pintarnos de ROSA, Tiger Nation! ¡Juntos podemos combatir el cáncer de mama!
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la Sra. Glenn o la Sra. Sultana. ¡Gracias por su apoyo!
¡Gracias Tiger Nation! ¡Que tengán una semana maravillosa!
Weekly Announcements 10/14/24
Posted by Aislynn Denny on 10/14/2024Good Morning Tiger Nation! Today is Monday, October 14th, 2024.
Optimistic October encourages us to do something constructive to improve a difficult situation.
Soccer arrived in Latin America in the late 1800s with a large influx of Europeans and since then has exploded in popularity, dominating as the most popular sport (by a large margin) in almost all Latin American countries. Soccer started as a sport played mainly by affluent Europeans, but quickly spread throughout the culture, its low barrier to entry allowing for people of all socioeconomic classes to play. Latin America has had a long, complex history of race and class issues that have divided people. In many ways, soccer has become intertwined with Latin American culture as it has acted as a common interest for people of all races, origins, and cultures in Latin America. Bridging gaps and prejudices that are commonplace in countries such as Brazil and Argentina. Because of this power, soccer has acted as almost a religion or major cultural component that people from all over Latin America can come together over. Brazil has won the most world cups; 5; Followed by Argentina with 3 and Uruguay with 2 and Spain with 1.
Monday, October 14th, our Girls’ Soccer and Boys’ Volleyball teams will host Kiser for games starting at 4:45pm.
Thursday, October 17th, our Girls’ Soccer and Boys’ Volleyball Teams will host Hairston Middle for games starting at 4:45pm.
Please come out and support your Tiger Athletic!
UNITY DAY is Wednesday, October 16th, 2024:
All students and staff wear orange.
We will have students holding up signs and passing out bullying stats to parents in the morning car rider line.
During lunch on Tuesday students will sign a Unity Day poster in the multi-purpose room.  The poster will be hung in the cafeteria on Wednesday.Students and staff will also be able to take selfies during morning arrival on Wednesday.
We’re excited to announce the WGMS Beta Club's Pink Out & Tackle Breast Cancer fundraiser has begun! This is a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together and make a difference.  Starting this week, the Beta Club will be selling wristbands for $3 and tribute ribbons for $1 every Tuesday and Thursday during morning arrival throughout October. This is a cash only fundraiser. All proceeds will go directly to The Breasties Stage 4 Research Fund, supporting metastatic cancer research.
Students, mark your calendars! The Pink Out & Tackle Breast Cancer football game will be Tuesday, October 29th at 5 PM here at Western Guilford Middle School. We encourage everyone to wear PINK and show your support!
Let’s paint it PINK, Tiger Nation! Together, we can tackle breast cancer!
If you have any questions, please reach out to Ms. Glenn or Ms. Sultana.
Thank you for your support!
Thank you Tiger Nation! Have a Marvelous Monday!
¡Buenas Noches Tiger Nation! Este es un mensaje del director Chase Arrington de la Escuela Western Guilford Middle trayendo los anuncios para la semana del Lunes 14 de Octubre al Viernes 18 de Octubre.
Gracias, TIGER NATION, por una semana increíble celebrando nuestra Semana de Celebracion de la Herencia Hispana.
¡Venga el Martes 15 de Octubre a las 5:30 pm para terminar el Mes de la Herencia Hispana con una Noche de la Herencia Hispana con un DJ, Actividades y Presentaciones que culminarán la celebración de esta increíble herencia! ¡Gracias a todos los hispanos por su contribución a la sociedad! ¡Tiger Nation te aprecia!ATLETISMO ESTA SEMANA:
• El Lunes 14 de Octubre, nuestros equipos de Fútbol Femenino y Voleibol Masculino recibirán a Kiser para juegos a partir de las 4:45 pm.
• El Jueves 17 de Octubre, nuestros equipos de Fútbol Femenino y Voleibol Masculino recibirán a Hairston Middle para jlos uegos a partir de las 4:45 pm.
¡Por favor, ven y apoya a tu Tiger Atleta!EVALUACIÓN INTERINA DE CIENCIAS DE 8º GRADO:
El 8º Grado completará sus Evaluaciones Provisionales de Ciencias el Jueves 17 de Octubre. Por favor, haga que los estudiantes lleguen a tiempo para reducir el número de pruebas de recuperación.DIA OPCIONAL DE TRABAJO PARA LOS MAESTROS:
El Viernes 18 de Octubre es un día de trabajo opcional para maestros. No hay Escuela para estudiantes. Esta es una gran oportunidad para que los estudiantes recuperen las tareas faltantes antes del final del trimestre. El trimestre termina el Viernes 1 de Noviembre.ACTUALIZACIÓN DEL CLUB BETA:
¡Nos complace anunciar que la recaudación de fondos Pink Out & Tackle Breast Cancer del WGMS Club Beta ha comenzado! Esta es una maravillosa oportunidad para que nuestra comunidad escolar se una y marque la diferencia.  A partir de esta semana, el Club Beta venderá Pulseras por $3 y Cintas Tributo por $1 todos los Martes y Jueves del mes de Octubre durante la llegada por la mañana. Esta recaudación de fondos es solo en efectivo. Todas las ganancias se destinarán directamente al Fondo de Investigación de la Etapa 4 de The Breasties, que apoya la investigación del cáncer metastásico.¡Estudiantes, marquen sus calendarios! El partido de Fútbol Americano Pink Out & Tackle Breast Cancer será el Martes 29 de Octubre a las 5 p.m. aquí en la Escuela Western Guilford Middle. ¡Animamos a todos a vestirse de ROSA y mostrar su apoyo! ¡Vamos a pintarlo de ROSA, Tiger Nation! ¡Juntos podemos combatir el cáncer de mama!
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con la Sra. Glenn o la Sra. Sultana.
Tendremos A Lifetouch en el campus el Martes 22 de Octubre para las Fotos de Otono. Todos los estudiantes tomaran sus fotos, sin necesidad de comprarlas. Se les daran las pruebas a los estudiantes y tendrá la oportunidad de comprar fotografías. También habrá una fecha de recuperación para los estudiantes o personal que estén ausentes. Estas imágenes se utilizarán para nuestro Anuario.¡Gracias Tiger Nation! ¡Que tengán una maravillosa semana!
Weekly Announcements 10/7/24
Posted by Aislynn Denny on 10/7/2024Good Evening Tiger Nation! This is Principal Arrington at Western Guilford Middle School bringing you announcements for the week of Monday, October 7th, - Friday, October 11th.
October 7th – 8th there are tryouts for Girls’ Soccer and Boys’ Volleyball from 3:30pm – 5:30pm.
Wednesday, October 9th our football team will travel to Mendenhall Middle School for a game at 5pm.
WGMS will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Spirit Week Monday, October 7th – Friday, October 11th.
Below are each day’s activities. These ideas were created by our students via Student Council.
Monday is Spanish Language Day. Students will receive a Hispanic Heritage sticker during morning arrival. We are asking all students to greet each other in Spanish. Students will color Hispanic flags during Lead Block which will then be displayed throughout the school.
Tuesday is Soccer Day. Students and staff are asked to wear their favorite soccer team jersey. Students will learn about Spanish speaking countries during Lead Block.
Wednesday – It’s all about the culture! Wear your native clothing or colors of a Hispanic country you would like to visit.
Thursday – Hispanic History Day; Students will play a Hispanic Heritage Kahoot during Lead Block.
Friday – Hispanic Figures Day; We are asking Tiger Nation to dress like a famous Hispanic Figure or their favorite character from a Hispanic tv show or movie. You can also wear a shirt that will represent your favorite character, performer, or musical artists. Dress code still applies.
Attached is a flyer for your convenience.
Our Learning Hub begins Monday, October 7th from 3:45 – 5:15pm. We will call all students to the cafeteria first thing in the morning to discuss logistics and transportation home.
The PTA fundraiser begins Tuesday, October 8th at 7pm. We are selling Double Good Popcorn. 50% of all proceeds went go to WGMS’s PTA. The link is below for your convenience:
Please share this link with families and friends so we can reach out goal for WGMS’s PTA.
Friday, October 18th is an Optional Teacher Workday. There is no school for students.
Tuesday, October 22nd is our Fall Picture Day. These pictures will go in the yearbook.
Friday, November 1st is the end of Quarter 1. There is no school for students Monday, November 4th and 5th. These are teacher workdays for the district.
Thank you Tiger Nation! Have a wonderful week!
Weekly Announcements 9/30/24
Posted by Aislynn Denny on 9/30/2024Good Evening Tiger Families! This is Principal Arrington bringing you announcements for the week of Monday, September 30th – Friday, October 4th.
If students in 7th grade have not updated their immunization records with shots or provided documentation to not getting the shots, they are suspended until this is updated. If you have questions, please contact Nurse Goins at 336.316.5833.
AG Parent Night:
Tuesday, October 1st will be our Academically Gifted Parent Night in the media center from 5:30pm – 6:30pm. If you have questions, please contact Ms. Sims at 336-316-5833.
Monday, September 30th our Boys’ Soccer and Girls’ Volleyball teams will host Allen Middle at 4:45pm.
Wednesday, October 2nd our football team will travel to Northeast for their game starting at 5pm.
All WGMS sports packets for Boys’ Volleyball and Girls’ Soccer is due to Coach Sexton or Coach Phillips by Thursday, October 3rd by 3:30pm.
We will begin our NWEA MAP Assessments this week. This assessment measures what students know, show how they’ve grown, and provides information to help inform educator decisions. The more answers the student gets correct, the more challenging the test is. The more answers a student gets incorrect, then the tests will adapt to what students can answer.
- Wednesday, October 2nd is our Reading MAP Assessment
- Friday, October 4th is our Math MAP Assessment
If students arrive to school once the testing session has started, they will have to remain in the office and complete theirs on a make-up day.
Students received Interim Reports Thursday, September 26th. Please have students return their signed copies to teachers. If you would like to request a conference, please write a note on your student’s report.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Learning Hub will start Monday, October 7th. If you have questions, please contact the front office.
8th Grade Field Trip:
The 8th graders have a planned field trip Thursday, October 3rd to Old Salem and lunch at Golden Corral. The cost of the trip is $22. If we do not have at enough students paid by Tuesday, October 1st, Old Salem will cancel the trip for us as monies are due to them by that date. I will send another update Tuesday evening regarding the trip. If you have questions, contact the front office.
Thank you, Tiger Nation! Have a Wonderful Week!
¡Buenas Noches Familias! Este es un mensaje del Director Arrington trayendo los anuncios para la Semana del Lunes 30 de Septiembre al Viernes 4 de Octubre.
Si los estudiantes de 7º grado no han actualizado sus registros de vacunación con las vacunas o no han proporcionado documentación para no recibir las vacunas, se les suspende hasta que se actualice. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con la enfermera Goins al 336.316.5833.
El Martes 1 de Octubre será nuestra Noche de Padres, Académicamente Dotados en el centro de medios de 5:30 pm a 6:30 pm. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con la Sra. Sims al 336-316-5833.
Lunes 30 de Septiembre, nuestros equipos de Fútbol Masculino y Voleibol Femenino recibirán a Allen Middle a las 4:45 pm.
Miércoles 2 de Octubre nuestro equipo de Fútbol Americano viajará a Northeast para su juego a partir de las 5 p.m.
Todos los paquetes deportivos de WGMS para Voleibol Masculino y Fútbol Femenino deben entregarse al entrenador Sexton o al entrenador Phillips antes del Jueves 3 de Octubre a las 3:30 p.m.
Comenzaremos nuestras evaluaciones de NWEA MAP esta semana. Esta evaluación mide lo que los estudiantes saben, muestra cómo han crecido y proporciona información para ayudar a informar las decisiones de los educadores. Cuantas más respuestas acerte el estudiante, más desafiante será el examen. Cuantas más respuestas incorrecta obtenga un estudiante, las pruebas se adaptarán a lo que los estudiantes puedan responder.
- El Miércoles 2 de Octubre es nuestra Evaluación MAP de Lectura
- El Viernes 4 de Octubre es nuestra Evaluación MAP de Matemáticas
Si los estudiantes llegan a la escuela una vez que ha comenzado la sesión de prueba, deberán permanecer en la oficina y completarlo en un día de recuperación.
Los estudiantes recibieron los reportes provisionales el Jueves 26 de Septiembre. Por favor, pida a los estudiantes que devuelvan sus copias firmadas a los maestros. Si desea solicitar una conferencia, escriba una nota en el informe de su estudiante.
Debido a circunstancias imprevistas, CENTRO DE APRENDIZAJE comenzará el Lunes 7 de Octubre. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con la oficina principal.
Los estudiantes de 8º grado tienen planeada una excursión el Jueves 3 de Octubre a Old Salem y un almuerzo en Golden Corral. El costo del viaje es de $22. Si no tenemos suficientes estudiantes pagados para el Martes 1 de Octubre, Old Salem cancelará el viaje por nosotros, ya que se tiene que pagar para esa fecha. Enviaré otra actualización el Martes por la noche con respecto al viaje. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con la oficina principal.
¡Gracias, Tiger Nation! ¡Que tengan una semana maravillosa!
Weekly Announcements 9/23/24
Posted by Aislynn Denny on 9/23/2024Good Evening, Tiger Families! This is Principal Chase Arrington at Western Guilford Middle School bringing you announcements for the week of Monday, September 23rd – Friday, September 27th.
Tuesday, September 24th, our school leadership team will meet at 3:50pm in the media center. This is an open meeting for our community. If you have questions, please contact the front office for more details.
Thursday, September 26th, 2024, students will receive Interim Reports/Progress Reports to determine student progress since the start of the year. Students should return signed reports to their teachers. Additionally, you can contact Ms. Hill, our data manager, to receive your login information to check your child’s grades daily via Parent Portal.
All 7th grade students are required to have their Tdap – Booster and MCV first dose within 30 calendar days of admission in their 7th grade year. I am excited to announce that Western Guilford Middle School will have a mobile vaccination unit on campus Wednesday, September 25th from 8:30am – 11am in our bus parking lot.
7th graders still needing vaccinations received letters Friday. Please complete the form and have students return to school.
If your child does not participate in vaccinations, please write a letter for documentation.
If students are not vaccinated by the 30th calendar day since admission, they will be suspended until they receive their vaccinations or we receive documentation that the parent/guardian does not want them to receive it. Attached are documents for your review.
Our first PTA meeting was Thursday, September 19th. Please join our PTA via CASHAPP for $6. You can send your $6 to $wgmspta1 (Western PTA).
Our Hispanic Heritage Night is Tuesday, October 15th at 5:30pm. We would love ANY members of our community to join the team and plan our Hispanic Heritage Month. If you are interested, please contact the front office and speak with Ms. Castro or Ms. Kouba.
ATHLETICS THIS WEEK:- Monday, September 23rd, our Boys’s Soccer and Girls’ Volleyball teams will travel to Kernodle for games starting at 4:45pm
- Wednesday, September 25th our Football Team will travel to Hairston for their game starting at 5pm.
- Also on Wednesday, September 25th our Boys’ Soccer and Girls’ Volleyball teams will host Mendenhall at home at 4:45pm. This is a make-up game from last week.
- Thursday, September 26th our Boys’ Soccer and Girls’ Volleyball will travel to Jackson for games starting at 4:45pm.
Thank you, Tiger Nation! Have a wonderful week!
Immunization Permission Form - English
Immunization Permission Form - Spanish
¡Buenas Noches Familias! Este es un mensaje del Director Chase Arrington de la Escuela Western Guilford Middle ,trayendo los anuncios para la Semana del Lunes 23 al Viernes 27 de Septiembre.
El Martes 24 de Septiembre, nuestro equipo de liderazgo escolar se reunirá a las 3:50 pm en el centro de medios. Esta es una reunión abierta para nuestra comunidad. Si tiene preguntas, comuníquese con la oficina principal para obtener más detalles.
El Jueves 26 de Septiembre, los estudiantes recibirán los Reportes Provisionales o Informes de Progreso, para determinar el progreso del estudiante desde el comienzo del año. Los estudiantes deben devolver los informes firmados a sus maestros. Además, puede comunicarse con la Sra. Hill, nuestra administradora de datos, para recibir su información del inicio de sesión y verificar las calificaciones de su hijo diariamente a través del Portal para Padres.
Todos los estudiantes de 7º Grado deben recibir su primera dosis de Tdap – Booster y MCV dentro de los 30 días calendario después del ingreso a 7º grado. Me complace anunciar que nuestra Escuela Western Guilford tendrá una unidad móvil de vacunación en el campus el Miércoles 25 de Septiembre de 8:30 a.m. a 11 a.m. en nuestro estacionamiento de autobuses.
Los estudiantes de 7º grado que aún necesitan vacunas recibieron cartas el viernes. Por favor complete el formulario y pida a los estudiantes que regresen a la escuela.
Si su hijo no participa en las vacunas, escriba una carta para documentarlo.
Si los estudiantes no se vacunan antes del día calendario 30 desde la admisión, serán suspendidos hasta que reciban sus vacunas, o recibamos documentación de que el padre/tutor no desea que la reciban. Se adjuntan documentos para su revisión.
Nuestra primera reunión de la PTA fue el Sueves 19 de septiembre. Únase a nuestra PTA a través de CASHAPP por $ 6. Puede enviar sus $6 a $wgmspta1 (Western PTA).
Nuestra Noche de la Herencia Hispana es el Martes 15 de Octubre a las 5:30 pm.
Nos encantaría que CUALQUIER miembro de nuestra comunidad se uniera al equipo y planificara nuestra Noche de la Herencia Hispana. Si está interesado, comuníquese con la oficina principal y hable con la Sra. Castro o la Sra. Kouba.
ATLETISMO ESTA SEMANA:- Lunes 23 de Septiembre, nuestros equipos de Fútbol Masculino y Voleibol Femenino viajarán a Kernodle para juegos a partir de las 4:45 pm
- Miércoles 25 de Septiembre, nuestro equipo de Fútbol Americano viajará a Hairston para su juego a partir de las 5 pm.
- También el Miércoles 25 de Septiembre, nuestros equipos de Fútbol Masculino y Voleibol Femenino recibirán a Mendenhall en casa a las 4:45 pm. Este es un juego de recuperacion de la semana pasada.
- Jueves 26 de Septiembre, nuestro equipo de Fútbol Masculino y Voleibol Femenino viajará a Jackson para juegos a partir de las 4:45 pm.
¡Gracias, Tiger Nation ¡Que tengan una maravillosa semana!
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