- Western Guilford Middle School
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Spring Sports Tryout Information:
Try Out Dates: (Try Outs occur immediately after school)
Boy’s/Girl’s Track: Tryouts March 3,4,5
Softball: Tryouts March 3,4,5
Baseball: Tryouts March 3,4,5
WGMS Sport Participation Packets are due by Thursday Feb 27 at 3:30 PM
to Coach Sexton or Coach Phillips ONLY. ****NO EXCEPTIONS***
What You Need:
- WGMS Sports Participation Packet Completed. (Includes Cover page, GCS Eligibility requirements, Instructions, History form to be filled out by parents and student, Physical Examination form to be filled out by a physician and Concussion Statement form to be filled out by parents and student)
*** Packets are located with Coach Sexton & Coach Phillips and in the front office ***
- WGMS Sports Participation Packet Completed and turned into Coach Sexton or Coach Phillips ONLY, NO EXCEPTIONS ( DO NOT turn in to anyone else)
- The willingness to learn and give 100% effort
Eligibility for Spring Sports:
Eligibility for Spring Sports is based on Semester 1 of the 2024/2025 school year.
In addition to the up to date completed WGMS Sports Participation Packet, to be eligible for Spring Sports, students must have passed 5 out of 7 classes and not had more than 13 days absent. Students also must reside in the WGMS school zone or have a letter of reassignment on file. A student may not participate in any middle school sport if his or her 15th birthday comes on or before August 31st of the current school year. All sports-related information and documents can also be found on the Western Guilford Middle Website under Athletics.
Please download and print the WGMS Sports Packet and fill out completely.
Instructions for completing the packet are located on page 3.
24-25 WGMS Sports Participation Packet