• Spring Sports Tryout Information:


    Try Out Dates: (Try Outs occur immediately after school)


    Boy’s/Girl’s Track: Tryouts March 3,4,5

    Softball: Tryouts March 3,4,5

    Baseball: Tryouts March 3,4,5

    WGMS Sport Participation Packets are due by Thursday Feb 27 at 3:30 PM

     to Coach Sexton or Coach Phillips ONLY. ****NO EXCEPTIONS***

    What You Need:

    1. WGMS Sports Participation Packet Completed. (Includes Cover page, GCS Eligibility requirements, Instructions, History form to be filled out by parents and student, Physical Examination form to be filled out by a physician and Concussion Statement form to be filled out by parents and student)

    *** Packets are located with Coach Sexton & Coach Phillips and in the front office ***


    1. WGMS Sports Participation Packet Completed and turned into Coach Sexton or Coach Phillips ONLY, NO EXCEPTIONS ( DO NOT turn in to anyone else)


    1. The willingness to learn and give 100% effort


    Eligibility for Spring Sports:

    Eligibility for Spring Sports is based on Semester 1 of the 2024/2025 school year.

    In addition to the up to date completed WGMS Sports Participation Packet, to be eligible for Spring Sports, students must have passed 5 out of 7 classes and not had more than 13 days absent. Students also must reside in the WGMS school zone or have a letter of reassignment on file. A student may not participate in any middle school sport if his or her 15th birthday comes on or before August 31st  of the current school year. All sports-related information and documents can also be found on the Western Guilford Middle Website under Athletics.